
POC Demo Project | Spring Boot

Primary LanguageJava

Insurance Campaign API

About the project

This project is a proof-of-concept (POC) that allows users to create and manage campaigns that they can publish and unpublish as they wish, with various campaign-related features. Following feedback from the POC demo, we plan to further develop the project. The POC is designed to be a foundation upon which we can build additional features.

As part of the POC, users can input campaign information, including the campaign title, description, and category. The campaign lifecycle and rules are as follows:

For 'Complementary Health Insurance', 'Private Health Insurance', and 'Other' categories, campaigns are set to "Pending Approval" status upon initial submission. For 'Life Insurance' category, campaigns are set to "Active." In other words, campaigns in some categories must be approved before they can be published. When a campaign is submitted with the same category, title, and description as an existing campaign, it is flagged as a repetitive and cannot be updated. A campaign that is "Pending Approval" will be set to "Active" once approved. Users can deactivate "Active" or "Pending Approval" campaigns. For this project, JWT authentication and authorization implemented. As a result, only authenticated and authorized users will be able to submit, update, and deactivate campaigns.


  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Security
  • JWT Authentication/Authorization
  • Docker
  • Validation
  • Custom Error Handler (Multi-Language Messages)
  • Lombok
  • SwaggerUI
  • PostgreSQL
  • Timeout logging
  • Campaign Event logging


Getting Started

Make sure port 8086,5432 are not in use

Installing & Running Application

mvn clean install
docker-compose -f common.yml -f docker-compose.yml up

You can see the api documentation on the swagger page after you run the application. Swagger will be available on;

'campaignCategoryId' example values:

1: Complementary Health Insurance
2: Private Health Insurance
3: Life Insurance
4: Others

Basic use cases

1) Signup a new user

2) Login with the created user to get authentication token

3) Create a campaign

4) Update a campaign

5) View statistics



Request Access Point Explanation User Role
POST /api/1.0/auth/login Authenticate user and return AuthResponse object All
POST /api/1.0/auth/refresh-token Refresh expired JWT token with valid refresh token All


Request Access Point Explanation User Role
POST /api/1.0/users/create Create a new user and return UserResponse object All
PUT /api/1.0/users/update-user-enabled Update user's enabled status Admin


Request Access Point Explanation User Role
POST /api/1.0/campaigns/create Create a new campaign Admin, Company
PUT /api/1.0/campaigns/deactivate-campaign-status Deactivate campaign status by campaign ID Admin, Company
PUT /api/1.0/campaigns/update-campaign-by-admin Update campaign by admin and return CampaignResponse object Admin
PUT /api/1.0/campaigns/update-campaign-by-company Update campaign by company Admin, Company
PUT /api/1.0/campaigns/update-campaign-status Update campaign status by campaign ID and status Admin
PUT /api/1.0/campaigns/update-multiple-campaign-status Update status of multiple campaigns and return list of CampaignResponse objects Admin


Request Access Point Explanation User Role
GET /api/1.0/dashboard/classifieds/statistics Get statistics of classifieds Admin


Swagger UI

Create Company User

Login as Company

Refresh Token

Update User Enabled

Create Campaign

Update Campaign By Admin

Update Campaign By Company

Update Campaign Status

Update Multiple Campaign Status

Deactivate Campaign Status


Timeout Logging

Considerations During the Writing of the Project

  • Implemented the code to be clean, understandable, and easy to read while following the layered architecture.
  • Designed the project according to monolithic architecture.
  • Utilized Exception Handling throughout the codebase.
  • Followed programming principles, such as SOLID.

Future Work

  • Implement a CI/CD pipeline to enable continuous integration and deployment.
  • Implement a suitable Frontend to enhance the user experience.