Thrift Sample App

HTML Javascript Sample Application using Asgardeo's Auth SPA SDK

Getting Started

Register an Application

Follow the instructions in the Try Out the Sample Apps section to register an application.

Make sure to add https://localhost:5000 as a Redirect URL and also add it under allowed origins.

Configuring the Sample

  1. Update the authConfig object in index.html with your registered app details.

Note: You will only have to paste in the client ID generated for the application you registered.

Read more about the SDK configurations here .

const authConfig = {
    // ClientID generated for the application
    clientID: "<ADD_CLIENT_ID_HERE>",
    // After login callback URL - We have to use the app root as this is a SPA
    // (Add it in application OIDC settings "Callback Url")
    signInRedirectURL: origin,
    // Asgardeo URL
    serverOrigin: "<ADD_SERVER_ORIGIN_HERE>",

Run the Application

Note: If you are deploying and testing out this sample in your own server environment, just adding the static files would be enough. The following steps demonstrates the usage of a 3rd party module to serve up the static content.

Install Dependencies

The sample is using http-server package to serve the static files. You have to install it through npm.

npm install

Starting the server

npm start

The app should open at https://localhost:5000. If the browser doesn't open the app and throws an invalid-certificate error, just type thisisunsafe to continue.