
Numerical display error

Closed this issue · 8 comments

v1.4.53 unity5.5.6
The value of my script is a decimal, which is displayed as an integer in RuntimeInspector

After importing the plugin, I made these changes
In order to solve the error report and solve the API that my unity does not have

Thank you for the 5.5.6 feedback. I'm aware of the numerical value issue; AFAIK it happens on cultures that use ',' (comma) instead of '.' (period) as decimal separator. Unity's InputField doesn't accept ',' (comma) in number fields. I'll try to resolve this issue.

Thank you and love you

Can you unzip the attached archive and import the unitypackage to your project to see if these issues are resolved?

Yes, my problem has been solved, and now the value is displayed normally, thank you, love you yasirkula

Is this a special version for me?

I'll update the repository, as well. I just wanted make sure beforehand that the issue is resolved 😃
