
A basic image processing plugin for Unity

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Unity Texture Ops Plugin


Forum Thread: https://forum.unity.com/threads/texture-ops-a-basic-image-processing-plugin-for-unity-open-source.539065/

Discord: https://discord.gg/UJJt549AaV

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This plugin helps you save/load textures and perform simple operations on them, like scale and slice. It also contains an example sliding puzzle project to demonstrate the slice operation.

iOS Setup

iOS setup is handled automatically via a post processor script. If you rather want to set up the plugin manually, see: https://github.com/yasirkula/UnityTextureOps/wiki/Manual-Setup-for-iOS


There are 4 ways to install this plugin:

  • import TextureOps.unitypackage via Assets-Import Package
  • clone/download this repository and move the Plugins folder to your Unity project's Assets folder
  • (via Package Manager) add the following line to Packages/manifest.json:
    • "com.yasirkula.textureops": "https://github.com/yasirkula/UnityTextureOps.git",
  • (via OpenUPM) after installing openupm-cli, run the following command:
    • openupm add com.yasirkula.textureops


NOTE: functions that return a Texture2D or Texture2D[] may return null, if something goes wrong.

A. Saving/Loading Textures

bool TextureOps.SaveImage( Texture2D sourceTex, string imagePath ): saves sourceTex as an image file. If imagePath ends with '.jpeg' or '.jpg', texture will be saved as JPEG, otherwise it will be saved as PNG. Returns true, if the image is saved successfully.

bool TextureOps.SaveImage( byte[] sourceBytes, string imagePath ): saves raw image bytes as an image file. Returns true, if the image is saved successfully.

Texture2D TextureOps.LoadImage( byte[] imageBytes, TextureFormat format = TextureFormat.RGBA32, TextureOps.Options options ): loads raw image bytes into a Texture2D and returns it.

  • format specifies the format of the texture; RGB24 consumes less memory than RGBA32 but doesn't support transparency
  • options determines the properties of the generated Texture2D. It has the following variables:
    • bool generateMipmaps: determines whether or not the texture will have mipmaps enabled
    • bool linearColorSpace: determines whether the texture will use linear color space or gamma color space. Gamma space is the Unity-specified default value
    • bool markNonReadable: determines whether or not the texture will be marked as non-readable. Such textures consume less memory but don't support read/write operations such as GetPixels/SetPixels and have slower TextureOps.SaveImage performance

Texture2D TextureOps.LoadImage( string imagePath, int maxSize = -1, TextureOps.Options options ): creates a Texture2D from the specified image file and returns it. On Android & iOS, if the orientation of the source image is rotated (e.g. when the image is captured with the camera in portrait mode), then its orientation will be corrected while loading the image into the texture.

  • maxSize determines the maximum size of the returned Texture2D in pixels. Larger textures will be down-scaled. If untouched, its value will be set to SystemInfo.maxTextureSize. It is recommended to set a proper maxSize for better performance

async Task<Texture2D> TextureOps.LoadImageAsync( string imagePath, int maxSize = -1, TextureOps.Options options ): asynchronous variant of LoadImage (requires Unity 2018.4 or later). Works best when linearColorSpace is false. It's also slightly faster when generateMipmaps is false. Note that it isn't possible to load multiple images simultaneously using this function.

B. Texture Operations

NOTE: on some Android devices, these functions may not work correctly when called with a sourceTex that was created in the same frame. Therefore, if you'd like to call these functions immediately after LoadImage, consider instead waiting for at least one frame. You can use yield return null; in a coroutine to wait for one frame.

Texture2D TextureOps.Crop( Texture2D, sourceTex, int leftOffset, int topOffset, int width, int height, TextureFormat format = TextureFormat.RGBA32, TextureOps.Options options ): crops sourceTex and returns the cropped texture.

Texture2D TextureOps.Scale( Texture2D sourceTex, int targetWidth, int targetHeight, TextureFormat format = TextureFormat.RGBA32, TextureOps.Options options ): scales sourceTex to the specified size and returns the scaled texture. sourceTex's aspect ratio may not be preserved.

Texture2D TextureOps.ScaleFill( Texture2D sourceTex, int targetWidth, int targetHeight, Color32 fillColor, TextureFormat format = TextureFormat.RGBA32, TextureOps.Options options ): scales sourceTex to the specified size and returns the scaled texture. sourceTex's aspect ratio is preserved and blank space is filled with fillColor.

Texture2D[] TextureOps.Slice( Texture2D sourceTex, int sliceTexWidth, int sliceTexHeight, TextureFormat format = TextureFormat.RGBA32, TextureOps.Options options ): slices sourceTex into smaller textures and returns these textures in an array. sourceTex is sliced row-by-row, starting from top-left corner. Note that if a 100-pixel-wide texture is sliced into 30-pixel-wide textures, rightmost 10 pixels will be discarded. Likewise, if a 100-pixel-wide texture is sliced into 101-pixel-wide textures, the returned array will be empty.

C. Utility Functions

TextureOps.ImageProperties TextureOps.GetImageProperties( string imagePath ): [Android & iOS only] returns an ImageProperties instance that holds the width, height, mime type and EXIF orientation information of an image file without creating a Texture2D object. Mime type will be null, if it can't be determined.

TextureOps.VideoProperties TextureOps.GetVideoProperties( string videoPath ): [Android & iOS only] returns a VideoProperties instance that holds the width, height, duration (in milliseconds) and rotation information of a video file. To play a video in correct orientation, you should rotate it by rotation degrees clockwise. For a 90-degree or 270-degree rotated video, values of width and height should be swapped to get the display size of the video.


The following code loads "DESKTOP_DIR/image.jpeg" into a Texture, applies TextureOps.ScaleFill to it and then saves it as "DESKTOP_DIR/image_new.jpeg". See SlidePuzzleScene demo scene for an example usage of TextureOps.Slice.

void Start()
	string desktopDir = Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory );

	Texture2D loadedImage = TextureOps.LoadImage( Path.Combine( desktopDir, "image.jpeg" ) );
	if( loadedImage != null )
		Texture2D scaledImage = TextureOps.ScaleFill( loadedImage, 512, 512, Color.red );
		if( scaledImage != null )
			Debug.Log( "Save result: " + TextureOps.SaveImage( scaledImage, Path.Combine( desktopDir, "image_new.jpeg" ) ) );

		// Destroy procedural textures that are not needed anymore (otherwise, they'll continue consuming memory)
		DestroyImmediate( loadedImage );
		DestroyImmediate( scaledImage );