
Using the TMDb api https://developers.themoviedb.org/3

Primary LanguageSwift

tmdb-challenge iOS App

codebeat badge

Tools & Technologies

The project is developed in Xcode 10.2.1, iOS 12 SDK, Swift 5 and minimum deployment target as iOS 10.

OS & Devices: iOS 10+, iPhone and iPad

Programming approach: ReactiveX using RxSwift and RxCocoa

Architecture: MVVM-C with Coordinator

Dependency Manager: Cocoapods

Dependecies: RxSwift, RealmSwift, Alamofire, AlamofireImage, ReachabilitySwift, NVActivityIndicatorView, XCDYouTubeKit & MaterialComponents/Snackbar

Core Modules: MCoreKit, MUIKit

Code documentation: Using jazzy Application DOCS, MCoreKit DOCS, MUIKit DOCS

Test using: XCTest and RxBlocking

Lint using: Swiftlint

Custom views:


Below is an overview of the Functionality implemented:

  • Fetch and display the list of popular movies
  • User can see details of the selected movie
  • User can Watch trailer using In-App YouTube player
  • Filter the movie list by searching on the title
  • View the movie list and cached details, posters, etc.


This is a group of classes and extensions taken for commonly used functionality across diffent projects. This module is may not be specific to One App and can be used in other projects


This is also a group of classes and extensions but specific to the UI functionality


Written test case for Decoding, Stub API, Live API and Models only



iPhone Catalogue iPhone Catalogue Filter iPhone Detail iPhone Catalogue Landscape iPhone Details Landscape iPhone Trailer


iPad iPad Filter iPad Catalogue Overlay iPad Detail