
Compute Natural Breaks in Python (Fisher-Jenks algorithm)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Fast Jenks breaks for Python

Compute "natural breaks" (Fisher-Jenks algorithm) on list / tuple / array / numpy.ndarray of integers/floats.

Intented compatibility: CPython 3.4+

Wheels are provided via PyPI for windows users - Also available on conda-forge channel for Anaconda users

Version Anaconda-Server Badge Build Status travis Build status appveyor PyPI download month

Usage :

This package consists of a single function (named jenks_breaks) which takes as input a list / tuple / array.array / numpy.ndarray of integers or floats. It returns a list of values that correspond to the limits of the classes (starting with the minimum value of the series - the lower bound of the first class - and ending with its maximum value - the upper bound of the last class).

>>> import jenkspy
>>> import random
>>> list_of_values = [random.random()*5000 for _ in range(12000)]

>>> breaks = jenkspy.jenks_breaks(list_of_values, nb_class=6)

>>> breaks
    (0.1259707312994962, 1270.571003315598, 2527.460251085392, 3763.0374498649376, 4999.87456576267)

>>> import json
>>> with open('tests/test.json', 'r') as f:
...     data = json.loads(f.read())
>>> jenkspy.jenks_breaks(data, nb_class=5) # Asking for 5 classes
(0.0028109620325267315, 2.0935479691252112, 4.205495140049607, 6.178148351609707, 8.09175917180255, 9.997982932254672)
# ^                      ^                    ^                 ^                  ^                 ^
# Lower bound            Upper bound          Upper bound       Upper bound        Upper bound       Upper bound
# 1st class              1st class            2nd class         3rd class          4th class         5th class
# (Minimum value)                                                                                    (Maximum value)

This package also support a JenksNaturalBreaks (require NumPy) class as interface (inspired by scikit-learn classes). The .fit and .group behavior is slightly different from jenks_breaks, by accepting value outside the range of the minimum and maximum value of breaks_, retaining the input size. It means that fit and group will use only the inner_bound_. All value below the min bound will be included in the first group and all value higher than the max bound will be included in the last group. Install using pip install jenkspy[interface] to automatically include NumPy.

>>> from jenkspy import JenksNaturalBreaks

>>> x = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]

>>> jnb = JenksNaturalBreaks()

>>> try:
...     print(jnb.labels_)
...     print(jnb.groups_)
...     print(jnb.inner_breaks_)
>>> except:
...     pass

>>> jnb.fit(x)
>>> try:
...     print(jnb.labels_)
...     print(jnb.groups_)
...     print(jnb.inner_breaks_)
>>> except:
...     pass
[0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3]
[array([0, 1, 2]), array([3, 4, 5]), array([6, 7, 8]), array([ 9, 10, 11])]
[2.0, 5.0, 8.0]

>>> print(jnb.predict(15))

>>> print(jnb.predict([2.5, 3.5, 6.5]))
[1 1 2]

>>> print(jnb.group([2.5, 3.5, 6.5]))
[array([], dtype=float64), array([2.5, 3.5]), array([6.5]), array([], dtype=float64)]


  • From pypi
pip install jenkspy
  • To include numpy in pypi
pip install jenkspy[interface]
  • From source
git clone http://github.com/mthh/jenkspy
cd jenkspy/
python setup.py install
  • For anaconda users
conda install -c conda-forge jenkspy

Requirements :

  • NumPy*
  • C compiler+
  • Python C headers+

* only for using JenksNaturalBreaks interface

+ only for building from source

Motivation :

  • Making a painless installing C extension so it could be used more easily as a dependency in an other package (and so learning how to build wheels using appveyor).
  • Getting the break values! (and fast!). No fancy functionnality provided, but contributions/forks/etc are welcome.
  • Other python implementations are currently existing but not as fast nor available on PyPi.