
Vim syntax file for mustache and handlebars(?)

Primary LanguageVimL

Vim for Mustache

mustache.vim is a simple plugin for working with mustache templates. It has both syntax hilighting and indenting, which just borrows from html indent plugin.

Install for pathogen

cd ~/.vim/
git submodule add git://github.com/juvenn/mustache.vim.git bundle/mustache
vim bundle/mustache/example.mustache

Manually Install

cd ~/.local/src
git clone git://github.com/juvenn/mustache.vim.git
cp -R mustache.vim/syntax/* ~/.vim/syntax/
cp -R mustache.vim/indent/* ~/.vim/indent/
cp -R mustache.vim/ftdetect/* ~/.vim/ftdetect/
cp -R mustache.vim/ftplugin/* ~/.vim/ftplugin/
vim mustache.vim/example.mustache
