
practice fusion contest

Primary LanguageR

## README.txt
## Kaggle project directory
## prepared for Practice Fusion Kaggle competition
## September 2012
## contact: yasmin.lucero@gmail.com

1. kagglereport.Rmd - The markdown report file with the webpage text. Autogenerates the below files:
2. kaggle_setup.R - Uses RSQlite package to interface with practice fusion data in sqlite db form. Generates the csv dumps for analysis. 
3. govdata.R - pulls in government data and prepares a table (Data/statedf.csv)
4. d2.R - preps data table d2, which has lots of individual patient info
5. d1.R - preps data table d1, which has 
6. cdc1.R - preps CDC data for plotting
7. compare.R - sets up comparison of state and practice fusion data. Updates statedf.csv. Important script. 
8. smokingSES.R - pulls and plots smoking data for socioeconomic status
9. plots2.R - has most of the plotting scripts 
Notes: the individuals figure files are not stored in the git repository.
10. Data (folder) - 
  compDataAsSQLiteDB: Practice fusion db
  d1.csv - d5.csv - Practice fusion data dumps

  GovData - several sources of government sourced data
  statedf.csv - gav data table arranged by state