TODO APP Flutter.

This application consumes this NodeJS API, it allows you to create, update, delete, and read todos with different statues, todo, in progress, and done.

Download the application from here:


Client: Flutter Server: Node, Express, Please refer to the NodeJS API for this app.

Packages used

Package Version Description
flutter_bloc ^8.1.3 A state management solution.
dio ^5.3.3 A powerful HTTP client library that simplifies the process of making HTTP requests.
shimmer ^3.0.0 A package to create professional shimmer loading effects.
flutter_svg ^2.0.7 A package to load SVGs in your Flutter app.


To get started clone the repo, and in your favorite IDE's terminal run the command

 flutter pub get

this command will install all the necessary packages.

Change the BaseUrl

This app depends on the NodeJS API mentioned above, so you must provide the BaseUrl where you hosted that API locally or online. Go to the


and change the BaseUrl.

Now from your terminal run the command

 flutter run

to run the app on your emulator or real device.

How does the app communicate with the NodeJS Server?

Following the approach of Models, Repositories,Services, and Controllers/Cubit the app communicates with the server through the API in the Services layer where all the HTTP client methods are performed. In the Repositories we get the Services responses and convert them to Dart objects via the fromJson model's method.

Then the Cubittakes the responsibility to handle the state, and updates the UI accordingly.


App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot App Screenshot
