
Introduction to pelican

Primary LanguageHTML


Pelican is a static site generator written in Python.

This document is a short and practical introduction to Pelican. Its main goal is to get you up and running within 30 minutes.


The following librairies are needed:

pipenv install pelican markdown typogrify

Quick start

Once the installation of dependencies completed, we can start our pelican project:


Once all questions replied to, multiple files will be generated including:

  • Makefile
  • pelicanconf.py
  • publishconf.py
  • tasks.py

Generate output

pelican -s pelicanconf.py -o output content

Write your first article in Markdown content

Write your first article following this structure in the output/ folder:

title: myTitle
slug: my-slug
tags: tag-1, tag-2, tag-3
summary: The summary goes here

The content will go here

Run the local server

make serve

And open your browser: http://localhost:8000


Pelican website: https://docs.getpelican.com/en/stable/