This is MyNvim, which, as the name implies, meant to be user oriented Nvim configuration, or atelast that's what it seems to be
First, you need to backup your exesting configuration if you already have one, you can do so by running the following command:
mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim_
Next, clone this repository and move its content under the neovim configuration direcotry:
git clone && mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim && mv ./MyNvim/* ~/.config/nvim/ && rm -rfd ./MyNvim
optionaly you can add --depth=1
if you don't want to clone old commits.
Finaly, just open neovim, the lazy installer should pupup with the a list of the currently installing plugins.
- you are on your own to install the requiered LSP for your beloved language, It should be as simple as running
and then installing it from there (tip: use/
to search)- on NixOS it's not that simple, you have to manually link it or just install it from your nix configuration file
- searching capabilities may not work on NixOS, since they depends on ripgrep, please consider installing it on your machine to make use of that capability.
- Create a documentation for this project.
- Document all keybinds in each method
- Document how to install/add new plugins
- Review and refactor old code
- Document undocumented functions
Currently I'm on a job hunt, so this project may not get enough mantainence, so please, be patient and if you believe that this project deserves more care, make a pull request and I'll be more than happy reviewing it