Movie Search App

In this application we will be working with the OMDB API to develop a movie search front end. This application will make use of Handlebars for templating.

  • Download the starter code, and link Handlebars and your custom JS file.
  • You will be using the OMDB search API to pull a list of movies matching a search query in the text field.
  • A sample query is:
  • The JSON that comes back only gives you truncated information. You will need much more movie information to fill out the rest of the template.
  • You will need to make subsequent requests to retrieve the rest of the information. A good way to do this is through using the IMDB ID endpoint:
  • The app should hide the search box when the search is successful and show the movie cards with the correct information.
  • Bonus: Provide the user with the option to search again after the results come in.