An action button component inspired from material design

Primary LanguageSwift

MBY : MaterialButton animated

Made for iOS

MBY is an action button component inspired from material design.

Preview :

Demo MLB

Usage :

You have to add MBY.swift to your project.

To create a new MBY button :

     let btn = MBY(position: .BR, image:UIImage(named:"settings")!)       // init a new MBY
     view.addSubview(btn)                                                 // add btn to your view
You can use 4 possible positions :
  • .BR for Bottom Right
  • .BL for Bottom Left
  • .TR for Top Right
  • .TL for Top Left

To add options to your MBY button :

      btn.addMBYO(image: UIImage(named:"imagename")!,action:{
          // actions to perform on option's button tap 
          print("Tap detected")
       // you can add as many options as you want.