
YaST module for configuring RMT

Primary LanguageRubyGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Workflow Status Coverage Status Maintainability

Provides the YaST module to configure the Repository Mirroring Tool (RMT) Server.


First read the excellent tutorial 📗 Creating the YaST journalctl module to learn the basics about YaST module development.

Running the module

yast2-ruby-bindings RPM package is not available as a gem, YaST runs on the default system-wide Ruby interpreter only (available in the OSS repository).

There different ways to run the module:

  • rake run — by default starts Qt interface if it is available;
  • Y2DIR=src/ /usr/sbin/yast2 rmt — same as above;
  • DISPLAY= rake run — forces to run in ncurses mode;
  • Y2DIR=src/ /usr/sbin/yast2 --ncurses rmt — same as above.

Docker Setup

To run the module within a Docker container:

  1. Select a proper Docker container image for YaST from https://registry.opensuse.org, according to the branch, e.g.:

    • On branch master, use yast/head/containers_tumbleweed/yast-ruby.
    • On branch SLE-15-SP6, use yast/sle-15/sp6/containers/yast-ruby.
  2. Run the Docker container with access to the localhost network with the chosen distribution and version:

    docker run --network host -v "$(pwd):/usr/src/app" -w "/usr/src/app" -it registry.opensuse.org/yast/sle-15/sp6/containers/yast-ruby sh
  3. On the container, install the rmt-server package:

    zypper --non-interactive install rmt-server
  4. Run the YaST RMT module with rake run or through the other ways previously described.

Running tests

It is possible to run the specs in a Docker container:

docker run -v "$(pwd):/usr/src/app" -w "/usr/src/app" -it registry.opensuse.org/yast/sle-15/sp6/containers/yast-ruby rake test:unit
