- 7
Map absolute CC encoders to programmer encoders ?
#23 opened by qfisch - 0
Hardkey mapping
#21 opened by Undefined1234 - 0
- 6
- 1
Does this module have a maximum of 9 pages? The executor fader cannot exceed Page10?
#19 opened by 517002650 - 3
BPM Fader no longer works since version 2.x
#16 opened by yastefan - 1
- 9
MIDI mapping keyboard button delay is high
#15 opened by 517002650 - 1
Does the actuator pusher and button support flipping pages, and does this module support sending MA3 commands to MA3 onpc?
#18 opened by 517002650 - 58
MIDI Feedback
#7 opened by hepiyellow - 6
general encoder in place attribute encoder
#13 opened by youtux49 - 3
Executors Sync Feature
#12 opened by hepiyellow - 1
Bug in 8.5 version
#6 opened by PixelLighting - 1
Addon to Module
#11 opened by PixelLighting - 19
Enhancement for MA3 1.9
#5 opened by PixelLighting - 2
Mapping expansion proposal
#4 opened by pmjcontroller1 - 7
Encoders exectutors
#2 opened by pmjcontroller1 - 1
Possible bug with the encoders
#3 opened by jrcks - 4
Turn encoder
#1 opened by ofersmi