A lightweight Scala wrapper of rabbitmq-java-client.
Provides constructs for:
- Publishing to an AMQP exchange
- Consuming from AMQP queues
- Declaring AMQP resources
- Applying common patterns
#Getting Started Bucky is cross built for Scala 2.11 and Scala 2.12
val buckyVersion = "0.10"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.itv" %% "bucky-rabbitmq" % buckyVersion,
"com.itv" %% "bucky-argonaut" % buckyVersion, // optional argonaut marshalling support
"com.itv" %% "bucky-circe" % buckyVersion, // optional circe marshalling support
"com.itv" %% "bucky-xml" % buckyVersion // optional xml marshalling support
#Example projects
A very simple project that:
- Declares an AMQP queue
- Starts a consumer on the queue:
- Messages are deseriailized to a
- The handle prints out the
and acknowledges the message
- Messages are deseriailized to a
A very simple project that:
- Declares an exchange
- Adds a binding to the exchange
- Publishes a message with a
payload to the exchange/binding
In this project we aim to consume higher level message payloads as opposed to String
We define a Person
case class:
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
And a PayloadUnmarshaller[Person]
to convert AMQP messages into Person
This unmarshaller is built in terms of StringPayloadUnmarshaller
val personUnmarshaller = StringPayloadUnmarshaller flatMap Unmarshaller.liftResult { incoming =>
incoming.split(",") match {
case Array(name, ageString) if ageString.forall(_.isDigit) =>
UnmarshalResult.Success(Person(name, ageString.toInt))
case Array(name, ageNotInteger) =>
UnmarshalResult.Failure(s"Age was not an integer in '$ageNotInteger'")
case _ =>
UnmarshalResult.Failure(s"Expected message to be in format <name>,<age>: got '$incoming'")
The behaviour of the project is not very dissimilar to the "Basic Consumer" project:
- Declares an AMQP queue
- Starts a consumer on the queue:
- Messages are deseriailized to a
- The handle prints out the
and acknowledges the message
- Messages are deseriailized to a
In this project we aim to publish higher level message payloads as opposed to String
We define a Person
case class:
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
And a PayloadMarshaller[Person]
to convert Person
instances into AMQP messages.
This marshaller is built in terms of StringPayloadMarshaller
val personMarshaller: PayloadMarshaller[Person] = StringPayloadMarshaller.contramap(p => s"${p.name},${p.age}")
The behaviour of the project is not very dissimilar to the "Basic Publisher" project:
- Declares an exchange
- Adds a binding to the exchange
- Publishes a message with a
payload to the exchange/binding