
the Deployer, an sbt plugin for deploying lambdas to AWS

Primary LanguageScala

Conan the Deployer

This plugin allows ITV ScalaJS lambdas to be deployed to AWS.

To use it:

  1. Have to have a lambda-exports.js file in resources folder which calls main scala function like this:

    const <moduleName> = require("<functionName>-opt.js");
    exports.handler = function(event, context) {
        <moduleName>.<MainObject>.<functionName>(event, context);
  2. Put addSbtPlugin("com.itv" % "conan" % "0.1") to your plugins.sbt

  3. And enablePlugins(ConanPlugin) in your build.sbt

  4. In project settings in build.sbt you need qaConanConfig and prdConanConfig taskKeys. These should contain:

        .withRegion(<AWS region>)