#Yelp clone

This was the first Rails project I built at Makers Academy. It is a restaurant review site similar to Yelp. The goal was to allow user signups and logins, to be able to add restaurants and their details and images, review the restaurants, have an average star rating and to be able to endorse the reviews. The project tested my knowledge of OOP, using databases, frameworks and APIs, while test-driving all my code.


In this project I used:

  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • Devise for user management
  • Omniauth for Twitter logins
  • Paperclip for image management
  • Amazon Web Services for image hosting
  • Bootstrap for styling
  • Capybara with RSpec for testing

##View the site

git clone git@github.com:ysauba/yelp-rails.git
cd yelp-rails
rails s

This will start the server. Next open up your browser and go to http://localhost:3000