
Extract activity from History.db for OS X/macOS Safari users and shows how active you are on different days of the week.

Primary LanguagePython


Extracts activity from History.db for OS X/macOS's Safari and plots how active I am on different days of the week.

Figure 1

I don't really know what this says about my behaviour and would like to process the data more in future versions to gain more insight.

To use:

  1. Download this script or git clone it so you have a local copy
  2. Use Terminal to navigate to find main.py
  3. Type in python main.py

Alternatively, if you download this to your Downloads folder, use python ~/Downloads/main.py


v0.1 Basic functionality added:

  • Finds History.db file from ~/Library/Safari/ automatically
  • Will catch if the database cannot be opened
  • Converts NSDate timestamps for history data into day of the week
    • Note that time zone differences are probably not correct since Safari likely looks to the system to determine the time and travelling users (like me) don't always update this immediately
  • Matlibplot histogram works but is ugly

P.S. This is my first python script! I have a feeling it could be much faster since I suspect I did not use numpy to its full capabilities. Suggestions are welcome.