
Python Project

We have used these technologies to create a library management system that has the following features:

  1. Adding books: The system allows the librarian to add new books to the library by entering their details such as name, id, author, etc.
  2. Removing books: The system allows the librarian to remove existing books from the library by entering their id.
  3. Issuing books: The system allows the librarian to issue books to the members by entering their id and the member’s name.
  4. Returning books: The system allows the librarian to return books from the members by entering their id.
  5. Viewing books: The system allows the librarian and the members to view all the books in the library along with their details and availability status.

The system also has a user-friendly and attractive GUI that makes it easy for the users to interact with the system and perform various tasks. The system also has a secure and reliable database that stores and retrieves all the information related to books, authors, members, transactions, etc. The system also has a robust and efficient code that ensures the smooth functioning of the system.