NEOVim ViA Chocolatey
Open your powershell with Admin previliges and copy the commands and run on your power shell terminal
Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
choco install neovim -y
Now add path to environment vriables
The path to be added in the environment variables:
The path for configuration files C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\nvim\init.vim
Create a folder 'nvim' in this location
C:\Users\YourUser Name\AppData\Local\
Vim Plugs
Install Plugins
Open your Powershell and run this command. try to run powershell with Admin Privileges
Run this in your power shell
iwr -useb |`
ni "$(@($env:XDG_DATA_HOME, $env:LOCALAPPDATA)[$null -eq $env:XDG_DATA_HOME])/nvim-data/site/autoload/plug.vim" -Force
Now open nvim folder you created earlier and create a file init.vim
and Inside nvim create autoload folder and inside autoload folder create another folder plugged
or simply open your powershell
navigate to the nvim folder by using "cd"command
cd C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\nvim
Now type the command
nvim init.vim
Now copy the code from here now press i in keyboard to be in insert mode and paste that code here and click 'ESC' button and ':wq' button to save and exit the file
Now create a folder called autoload and plugged
cd C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\nvim
mkdir autoload/plugged
If we Want to add Other plugins
open init.vim
file and do this
How to Add Plugins
call plug#begin('C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\nvim\autoload\plugged')
Plug ''
call plug#end()
we need to add the Plugins Between call plug#begin and call plug#end. After Plug we need to place the ' link'
Install autocomplete intellisense and other plugins in neovim
if you clone my repository in the nvim folder in this loction "C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\nvim"
YourUserName = username
you just need to open your powershell and type nvim
and nvim opens here
now you need to type
after installing the files you need to press ":q!"
if you want to install some more plugins from COC open nvim and follow
:CocInstall coc-pluginname
You can install multiple autocompletion plugins using coc by just looking up for them on the internet. Some of my favorites are:
coc-tabnine coc-tsserver coc-json coc-tabnine coc-python coc-java
Install neovide
copy the commands and paste in your Terminal
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope Currentuser
iwr -useb | iex
scoop install git
scoop bucked add extras
scoop install neovide
This is the configuration i've reffered to make this neovim