A Leiningen template for projects that use Clojure(Server Side) and AngularJS(Client Side), any HTML could be substituted for AngularJS.
Clone the repo to a local folder.
$ git clone https://github.com/yatesj9/clj-angjs.git
$ lein install
Deploy the template with your own project name. NOTE: make sure you are in the cloned folder for the next step.
$ lein new clj-angjs <your new project name>
Once complete, copy the new folder with 'your new project name' to any location.
You can start the server from a REPL
(require '[<your new project name>.repl :refer [start-server
(start-server 3000) ;Port number must be included
The template defaults to public/app, to serve up AngularJS or any HTML site. A good way to start is by using Yeoman http://yeoman.io/
$ yo angular
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.