
Zero-config, 600B, cross-browser storage for JavaScript apps

Primary LanguageTypeScript


featherstore Build Status

Zero-config, 600B, cross-browser storage for JavaScript apps


npm i featherstore --save

or with yarn

yarn add featherstore


Creating a store a fairly easy -

const store = featherstore();


You can pass in few options to featherstore (as an object) to create the store

  • namespace Just so that you don't pollute the global namespace, the namespace you provide is prefixed to all the keys you use to save the data to the store. Defaults to __FEATHERSTORE__.

  • ttl (time to live) That's the time in seconds for which the value will be stored. It defaults to one day from the time you save the value. You can pass any value that you like.

  • storage The storage that'll be used to save the store data. Defaults to window.localStorage. You can pass in 'session' to use window.sessionStorage. Else, you can supply your own storage, considering that has the same API surface as window.localStorage

const store = featherstore({
  namespace: '__APPNAME__',
  ttl: 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000 * 365, // One year
  storage: 'session'


// create store
const store = featherstore();

// set a value
store.set('key', 'value');

// set a value with a custom timeout (other than default ttl) by passing ttl as third argument
store.set('key_3_sec', 'value for 3 secs', 3000);

// get a stored value
store.get('key'); // value

// check if the store has a value with some `key`
store.has('key'); // true
store.has('non_existing_key'); // false

// get the list of keys in store
store.keys(); // ['key']

// remove a value with some `key`

// remove all values from store i.e clear the store

You can use an in-memory store (in case you would not like to use localStorage or sessionStorage). memstore helps you do that with just 200B of additional weight.


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