Note taking app using nodejs, restify & mysql with authentication and authorizaion using jsonwebtoken.
- Nodejs
- Restify
- Mysql
To get the Node server running locally:
Make sure you have Node.js and yarn installed. Also as we use mysql for database which can be installed to your computer and serve easily or use mysql workbench for the database.
Also required script is also provided.
Here Nodejs version v10.15.3 is used. You can use NVM to install the exact version. Also yarn v1.21.1 as package dependeny manager
Clone this repo:
git clone
Install the dependencies and devDependencies.
cd workhome-restify
yarn install
Create database and tables with opennotes.sql
file in the repo.
I have used mysql workbench for this script generation of the model.
Also populate the database using the dummy_data/opennotes_notes.sql
and dummy_data/opennotes_users.sql
Here all the users has password !restify! in the dummy users data.
You can create a new .env
file in root directory and copy.env.example
Copy the file .env.example
to .env
and replace the value in key=value format environment file
Now let's run the server
yarn start
for simple nodejs run
yarn dev
run using nodemon
yarn debug
debug mode with nodemon
- get / - root
- get /notes - return all the notes
- get /notes/id - return specific note
- post /register - register
"first_name" : "user",
"last_name" : "name",
"email" : "",
"username": "user",
"password": "pass"
- post /login - login
"email" : "",
"password": "pass"
- post /notes - add notes (auth required)
"Content":"math equation science derivation"
- put /notes/id - update notes (auth required)
"Content":"english passage"
- del /notes/id - delete notes (auth required)