Power BI - Databricks SQL QuickStart Samples


This repo contains the samples demonstrating the usage of Power BI with Databricks SQL. The objective of these samples is to demonstrate reference implementation and some of the best practices using Power BI with Databricks SQL.

Table of Contents

# Folder Description
01 Connection Parameters Using Power BI parameters to efficiently manage connections to Databricks SQL
02 DirectQuery-Dual-Import Using different storage modes - Direct Query vs Dual vs Import
03 Logical Partitionoing Improving data refresh performance with Power BI partitioning
04 Query Parallelisation Improving performance of Power BI Reports in Direct Query mode using query parallelisation
05 User-defined aggregations Improving performance of Power BI reports using User-defined aggregations
06 Dynamic M Query Parameters Using Dynamic M Query Parameters for better control over SQL-query generation and performance optimization
07 Query optimization using PK Query optimization using primary key constraints
08 Automatic aggregations Improving performance of Power BI reports using Automatic aggregations