
A Ruby client for Salesforce's bulk API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Gem Version


SalesforceBulkApi is a ruby wrapper for the Salesforce Bulk API. It is rewritten from salesforce_bulk. It adds some missing features of salesforce_bulk.

How to use

Using this gem is simple and straight forward.


gem install salesforce_bulk_api

or add it to your Gemfile

gem salesforce_bulk_api


You can authenticate with Salesforce using two gems, databasedotcom & restforce.

Please check the documentation of the respective gems to learn how to authenticate with Salesforce

Databasedotcom Restforce

You can use username password combo, OmniAuth, Oauth2 You can use as many records possible in the Array. Governor limits are taken care of inside the gem.

require 'salesforce_bulk_api'

client = Databasedotcom::Client.new(
  :client_id =>  SFDC_APP_CONFIG["client_id"],
  :client_secret => SFDC_APP_CONFIG["client_secret"]
  :token => " ",
  :instance_url => "http://na1.salesforce.com"

salesforce = SalesforceBulkApi::Api.new(client)


require 'salesforce_bulk_api'
client = Restforce.new(
  username:       SFDC_APP_CONFIG['SFDC_USERNAME'],
  password:       SFDC_APP_CONFIG['SFDC_PASSWORD'],
  client_id:      SFDC_APP_CONFIG['SFDC_CLIENT_ID'],
  client_secret:  SFDC_APP_CONFIG['SFDC_CLIENT_SECRET'].to_i,
  host:           SFDC_APP_CONFIG['SFDC_HOST']

salesforce = SalesforceBulkApi::Api.new(client)

Sample operations:

# Insert/Create
# Add as many fields per record as needed.
new_account = Hash["name" => "Test Account", "type" => "Other"]
records_to_insert = Array.new
# You can add as many records as you want here, just keep in mind that Salesforce has governor limits.
result = salesforce.create("Account", records_to_insert)
puts "result is: #{result.inspect}"

# Update
updated_account = Hash["name" => "Test Account -- Updated", id => "a00A0001009zA2m"] # Nearly identical to an insert, but we need to pass the salesforce id.
records_to_update = Array.new
salesforce.update("Account", records_to_update)

# Upsert
upserted_account = Hash["name" => "Test Account -- Upserted", "External_Field_Name" => "123456"] # Fields to be updated. External field must be included
records_to_upsert = Array.new
salesforce.upsert("Account", records_to_upsert, "External_Field_Name") # Note that upsert accepts an extra parameter for the external field name

# Delete
deleted_account = Hash["id" => "a00A0001009zA2m"] # We only specify the id of the records to delete
records_to_delete = Array.new
salesforce.delete("Account", records_to_delete)

# Query
res = salesforce.query("Account", "select id, name, createddate from Account limit 3") # We just need to pass the sobject name and the query string

Helpful methods:

# Check status of a job via #job_from_id
job = salesforce.job_from_id('a00A0001009zA2m') # Returns a SalesforceBulkApi::Job instance
puts "status is: #{job.check_job_status.inspect}"

Listening to events:

# A job is created
# Useful when you need to store the job_id before any work begins, then if you fail during a complex load scenario, you can wait for your
# previous job(s) to finish.
salesforce.on_job_created do |job|
  puts "Job #{job.job_id} created!"

Fetching records from a batch

job_id = 'l02A0231009Za8m'
batch_id = 'H24a0708089zA2J'
salesforce.get_batch_records(job_id, batch_id)
# => [{"Id"=>["RECORD_ID_1"], "AField__c"=>["123123"]},
      {"Id"=>["RECORD_ID_2"], "AField__c"=>["123123"]},
      {"Id"=>["RECORD_ID_3"], "AField__c"=>["123123"]}]

Throttling API calls:

# By default, this gem (and maybe your app driving it) will query job/batch statuses at an unbounded rate.  We
# can fix that, e.g.:
salesforce.connection.set_status_throttle(30) # only check status of individual jobs/batches every 30 seconds


Feel to fork and send Pull request