
Scraping Library for http://imslp.org/wiki/Main_Page

Primary LanguagePython

Scraping the International Music Score Library Project

This repository is a collection of tools used to scrape imslp.org. As of May 18, 2012, IMSLP has:

  • 54,374 works
  • 193,537 scores
  • 16,140 recordings
  • 7,202 composers
  • 193 performers


get_people_result_page_urls.sh: Generates a list of links to every results page under http://imslp.org/wiki/Category:People. There are 200 results per page, and 9,162 results in total.

get_people_page_urls.py: Generates a list of links to every person page (i.e. http://imslp.org/wiki/Category:Aagesen,_Truid).

mk_people.sh: Create a directory for each person page and download it's HTML into said directory.

get_score_page_urls.py: Create score_id_to_url_map.txt, a text file mapping score IDs to URLs. Download HTML source for given score page into people directory.

get_pdf.py: Download all of the PDFs for a given person/composer into the corresponding directory.

mk_meta.py: Generate metadata, and move files to upload/staging directory.