very important information here
Example code for demonstration purposes. Actual code quality/functionality not guaranteed.
Make sure to follow the ONLINE Installation method in the below link.
Used to interface with the physical robot. This should only handle moving the motors and safety logic, etc. Actual logic belongs in a Command.
public void periodic()
-- Is run once per scheduler run. Basically execute() but for subsystems
Used to handle actual logic.
Within the constructor: use addRequirements(subsystem1, subsystem2)
if you pass a subsystem as a parameter to the Command (necessary to interact with subsystems). Can be any amount of subsystems passed in. <--- VERY IMPORTANT
public void initialize()
-- Is run when the command is scheduled.
public void execute()
-- Is run once per scheduler run. Do NOT use a while loop in here, instead use an if statement. Using a while loop will hold up the entire robot execution.
public void end()
-- Is run when the command ends OR is interrupted.
public void isFinished()
-- Make this return true when the command should end.
(Last updated 07-25-22)