
Massa node + massa-guard

Primary LanguageShell

Massa node + Massa-guard

Last build for Massa testnet Episode 24 release 24.0.0

alt text


Testnet reward program registration

Register your discord account to the testnet program: Go to Massa Discord channel https://discord.com/channels/828270821042159636/872395473493839913 and follow instructions.

How to use

  • Install docker and docker-compose on your system
  • Create a docker-compose.yml file and copy the following content and fill it with your environment variables.
  • WALLETPWD is mandatory, DISCORD is optionnal. See Help section to find your Discord token
version: '3'

    image: peterjah/massa-core
    container_name: massa-core
    restart: always
      - DISCORD=
      - WALLETPWD=
     - "31244:31244"
     - "31245:31245"
     - "33035:33035"
      - SYS_NICE
      - SYS_TIME
     - ./massa_mount:/massa_mount


Available options:

  • ''DISCORD'' - Set with your discord token id (Refer to HELP section) - To enable discord feature (GetFaucet + NodeRegistration + DynamicalIP)
  • ''DYNIP'' - Set with "0" if you host under static public IP or "1" if you host under dynimic public IP to enable update IP feature
  • ''WALLETPWD'' - Set with "YourCustomPassword" if you want to use a custom wallet password.
  • ''NODE_MAX_RAM'' - The app node will auto restart if RAM usage goes over this % treshold. Default to 99%.
  • ''TARGET_ROLL_AMOUNT'' - The max number of rolls you want to hold. It will buy or sell rolls accordind your MAS balance and the targeted amount. Default value to 2. set to 0 to disable.

Manage your node:

  • Start the container in detached mode:
docker compose up -d
  • See the node logs:
docker compose logs
  • Filter to get only Massa-guard logs:
docker compose logs | grep Massa-Guard
  • To enter your container:
docker exec -it massa-core /bin/bash
  • Using massa client:
docker exec massa-core massa-cli get_status

Import existing wallet

Create an empty folder to mount in our container /massa_mount path or store your wallet /nodekey/stacking_key/config.toml into this folder if you have it:

  • wallet.dat
  • config.toml
  • node_privkey.key
  • staking_keys.json

/!\ If don't have this file, leave your folder empty, massa-guard will create a wallet and node key and automaticaly stake wallet for you. This files will be backup on your mount point by massa-guard.


Get your Discord api token

To get your discord token, refer to https://www.androidauthority.com/get-discord-token-3149920/

Log rotation

Logs from your running docker will accumulate with the time. To avoid the disk to be full, you can setup log rotation at Docker level.

Create or edit the file /etc/docker/daemon.json

  "log-driver": "local",
  "log-opts": {
    "max-size": "15m"
    "max-file": "5"

Automated update

We recommend the use of watchtower to automagically pull the latest version of the docker image when available. Just add the following lines to add a new service in your docker-compose file:

    image: containrrr/watchtower
    container_name: watchtower
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
    command: --stop-timeout 360s --interval 300 massa-core


IPV6 is disabled by default. To enable it in massa node edit the massa_mount/node_config.toml file. Set the bootstrap_protocol field under bootstrap section to "Both"

This part is higly experimental and has not been actively tested.

  • Create or edit your host /etc/docker/daemon.json to add:
  "ipv6": true,
  "fixed-cidr-v6": "fd00::/80"
  • Restart docker service to reload config setting
  • Allow MASQUERADE for ipv6
ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s fd00::/80 ! -o docker0 -j MASQUERADE
  • Create a container which dynamicaly edit your iptables rules for port redirection
docker run -d --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro --cap-drop=ALL --cap-add=NET_RAW --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --cap-add=SYS_MODULE --net=host --name ipv6nat robbertkl/ipv6nat



Build a massa-node container wich include some automation features from a community image with Massalabs agreements

This image include a script named "/massa-guard/massa-guard.sh" to:

    • Enable/Disable all massa-guard features (Except keys creations) with the "MASSAGUARD" setting in config.ini
    • Autobuy 1 roll when your node failed and lost his "Active rolls".
    • Autobuy X rolls when your MAS amount greater than 200 MAS and if "Active rolls" dont exceed "TARGET_ROLL_AMOUNT" set in /massa_mount/config/config.ini (If set).
    • Autosell X rolls when "Active rolls" exceed "TARGET_ROLL_AMOUNT" set in /massa_mount/config/config.ini (If set).
    • Restart node when hang or when ram consumption exceed 90% (Value can be adjust)
    • You host your node under a dynamical IP? massa-guard will watch IP change and update your config.toml and push IP updates to massabot.
    • Push public IP or public IP change to massabot (Need to set discord token in /massa_mount/config/config.ini)
    • Logs his actions over /massa_mount/logs/ and backup node logs before restart if necessary.
    • Autoget MAS faucet on Discord 1 time by day (Need to set discord token in /massa_mount/config/config.ini)
    • Massa-guard will auto register your node with massabot.
    • Massa-guard will auto create wallet + nodekey + stacke privkey; all with default password "MassaToTheMoon2022".
    • Massa-guard auto create your config.toml with your public IP.
    • Massa-guard auto get faucet to buy your first roll.


Thanks to fsidhoum for help