
A template project for the ITU Database Systems course.

Primary LanguageVue

How to use this repository


  • Download this project into your local computer


  • run python -m pip install -r requirements.txt command to install Python packages to your computer.

  • Create database.ini file in the server directory and paste these configurations:

  • Change these configurations according to your local computer. Note that, this project uses postgresql database. So, you should install PostgreSQL.
  • To install database tables, run these commands:
cd server
python dbinit.py

You will see some options in here. For example, to import database tables hit '1'.

After creating the tables use the cd .. command to go back and run python server.py command to start the Server (Flask App).


  • Go to frontend directory with cd frontend command.
  • Run npm install to install npm packages to your computer. This command will create a directory in the frontend path called node_modules. Note that, you need to install NPM to run this command.
  • Run npm run dev command. This command will run frontend side of the project on localhost:8080 port.