
This is a repository of DQN and its variants implementation in PyTorch based on the original papar.

Primary LanguagePython

Deep Q-Learning in PyTorch

This is a repository of DQN and its variants implementation in PyTorch based on the original papar.


Algorithms below will be implemented in this repository.

Deep Q Network (DQN) from Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning, Mnih et al, 2013. [arxiv] [summary]

Double DQN Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-learning, Hasselt et al 2015. [arxiv] [summary]

Dueling DQN Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning, Wang et al, 2015. [arxiv] [summary]

Prioritized Experience Replay (PER) Prioritized Experience Replay, Schaul et al, 2015. [arxiv] [summary]



The Q-network I use here is 3-hidden-layer perceptrons(MLP). The hidden_size is 32. The option of dueling network is also included. Double and PER are implemented in the agent codes.

The corresponding policy action is generated by -greedy method. is exponentially decayed w.r.t. a designated decay rate.

When evaluating the performance of the model, I wrote a class method called demo. demo basically plays the game for 100 times by exploiting the actions generated by the policy network (equivalent to = 1.0), and get the average score of the games as the score of the current policy network.

The policy network scores, and average scores of the past 10 versions of policy network, as well as the current episode duration are plotted in the result.png.

Dueling Network

class DQN(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, num_actions, input_size, hidden_size, dueling = False):
        super(DQN, self).__init__()
        self.num_actions = num_actions
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(input_size, hidden_size)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size)

        self.dueling = dueling
        if dueling:
            self.fc_value = nn.Linear(hidden_size, 1)
            self.fc_actions = nn.Linear(hidden_size, num_actions)
            self.fc3 = nn.Linear(hidden_size, self.num_actions)
    # Called with either one element to determine next action, or a batch
    # during optimization. Returns tensor([[left0exp,right0exp]...]).
    def forward(self, x):
        x = x.view(x.size(0),-1)
        if not self.dueling:
            x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
            x = F.relu(self.fc2(x))
            x = self.fc3(x)
          	# dueling network
            x = F.relu(self.fc1(x))
            x = F.relu(self.fc2(x))
            v = self.fc_value(x)
            a = self.fc_actions(x)
            x = a.add(v - a.mean(dim=-1).unsqueeze(-1))
        return x

Double Q-Learning

  • See the function Agent._optimize_model() in agent.py code and summary.

Prioritized Experience Replay

if self.PER:
            batch_idx, transitions, glNorm_ISWeights = self.memory.sample(self.BATCH_SIZE)   
        	transitions = self.memory.sample(self.BATCH_SIZE)

if self.PER:
        # Compute abs TD error
        abs_errors = t.detach()
        abs_errors_ = abs_errors.numpy() 
        # Update the priority level
        self.memory.batch_update(batch_idx, abs_errors_)
        # accumulate weight-change
        losses = losses * torch.from_numpy(glNorm_ISWeights).reshape(self.BATCH_SIZE,-1) #* abs_errors

Experiments and Results

# typical hyperparameters
class AgentConfig:

    NUM_EPISODES = 500
    MEMORY_CAPA = 50000
    MAX_EPS = 1.0
    MIN_EPS = 0.01
    UPDATE_FREQ = 10
    DEMO_NUM = 100
    LR = 5e-4          # learning rate
    LR_STEP_SIZE = 9999 # learning rate step size
    DECAY_RATE = 0.99   # decay rate
    BATCH_SIZE = 32     # batch size
    GAMMA = 0.99        # gamma

    ALPHA = 0.6         # alpha for PER
    BETA = 0.4          # beta for PER

    DOUBLE = False      # double Q-learning
    DUELING = False     # dueling network
    PER = False         # prioritized replay

    RES_PATH = './experiments/'

class EnvConfig:
    ENV = "CartPole-v0"

Below are the experiments to test DQN under different circumstances. In the plot,

Blue line: policy network scores

Orange line: the current episode score under greedy policy

Green line: average scores of the past 10 versions of policy network

Integrated Agent — Ablation Study

No. learning rate double dueling PER result.png Comments
11 25e-5 False False False 11-result High variance in training, but making stable progress.
21 25e-5 True False False 21-result Double Q-learning decreases abrupt performance degradation.
32 5e-4(step:200) False True False 32-result Deuling network seems to make it worse :)
42 5e-4(step:200) False False True 42-result PER makes the network boost to high performance quickly, but followed by huge degradation.
51 25e-5 False True True 51-result The performance was maintained on a high level after 770 episodes, but constantly harmed by variance.
61 25e-5 True False True 61-result The training seems more stable, but takes longer to get to high performance.
72 5e-4(step:200) True True False 72-result The agent achieved high performance at 100 episodes, but quickly degrades after that.
81 25e-5 True True True 81-result Relatively steady growth, but high variance when training.

Augmented Integrated Agent

  • In additional to the settings above, the augmented integrated agent also has the following settings:
    • Environment: "CartPole-v1"
    • The loss function(after accumulating weight change) will be multiplied with abs_errors in order to further scale up the gradients of the prioritized transitions
    • The greedy actions were sampled by the target net, with the hope to stablize the training.
No. learning rate double dueling PER result.png Comments
91 5e-4(step: 400) True True True 91-result Solved the game after 1050 episodes.


No. learning rate decay rate batch size gamma result.png Comments
1 5e-4 0.99 32 0.99 1-result Solved the game after around 800 episodes.
2 1e-4 0.99 32 0.99 2-result Small learning rate makes the network hard to learn anything. Not converging at all.
3 1e-3 0.99 32 0.99 3-result Solved the game after around 200 episodes. Displayed a pattern of high probability of divergence due to high learning rate.
4 5e-4 0.99 64 0.99 4-result Bigger batch size counter-intuitively leads to worse performance.
5 5e-4 0.99 16 0.99 5-result Smaller batch size makes the policy stay in high performance but much more noise.
6 5e-4 0.99 8 0.99 6-result Smaller batch size makes the policy stay in high performance but much more noise.
7 5e-4 0.99 16 0.999 7-result Higher gamma means preservation of the past learned knowledge. Solved the game around 100 episodes, and stayed there for around 80 episodes.
8 5e-4 0.99 16 0.9 8-result Lower gamma leads to high variations of the performance.
9 5e-4 0.999 16 0.999 9-result Higher decay rate affects the epsilon greedy policy score but not the policy net score. Solved the game at around 175 episodes.

Limitations and Discussions

  • Vanilla DQN is not a robust method. It may suffer from severe performance degradation if the hyper parameters are not right.
  • According to Rainbow(summary), the largest improvement for DQN comes from the modification of priortized experience replay.
