
Symfony 2 bundle to manage users in a Neo4j graph database

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Symfony 2 bundle to manage users in a Neo4j graph database

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The installation is as easy as every other symfony bundle...

Add composer dep:

composer.phar require frne/neo4j-user-bundle:dev-master

Register bundle:

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        new Frne\Bundle\Neo4jUserBundle\Neo4jUserBundle(),


Configure the user provider in your app/config/security.yml:

# ...
    Frne\Bundle\Neo4jUserBundle\Entity\User: sha512
# ...
        id: neo4j_user_provider


You can replace the User entity or the Dehydrator with your own implementation. See the default settings and classes to do so:

# Default configuration for extension with alias: "neo4j_user"

    # A fully qualified classname to use for user entities
    entity_classname:     Frne\Bundle\Neo4jUserBundle\Entity\User

    # A fully qualified classname to use for dehydrating users
    entity_dehydrator:    Frne\Bundle\Neo4jUserBundle\Security\User\Neo4jUserDehydrator

Creating Users


Users can be created manually with the console command:

neo4j:user-bundle:create-user -u|--username="..." -p|--password="..." [-r|--roles="..."]

The username and password parameters are mandatory. If you don't assign custom roles to the created user, ROLE_USER will be assigned.


php app/console neo4j:user-bundle:create-user --username=testuser --password=1234 --roles=ROLE_FOO,ROLE_BAR

Check Neo4j server availability

There is a check, ensuring your Neo4j server is online. To use it, first install LiipMonitorBundle ("liip/monitor-bundle") as suggested from composer. Once the monitor is working, the Neo4j check will be automaticly added and executed.


If you find any bugs or improvements, please open an issue or propose a pull request here.

The code must follow the Symfony coding standarts and conventions. Untested code will not be merged ;)