
This repository is for IIoT Course

Primary LanguageC

Projects of IIoT course

contributed by <柳適學應世恆莊雅晴>

Use python and c programming language playing around on Raspberry Pi 3B

Lab1 - Lab5 : python GPIO control practice

Lab6 - Lab_final : OPCUA client/server and GPIO control together


Lab1 : Use GPIO to control LED

Lab2 : Make buzzer play the frequency recorded in json file

Lab3 : Use DHT11 sensor measure temperature and humidity

Lab4 : Record and recognize IR signal using json file

Lab5 : Passing data over bluetooth client/server service

Lab6 : Use open62541 library to create an OPCUA server

Lab7 : Control device. Add a method in OPCUA server that can control an LED(by callback function). Create a client that can call the method, making the LED change color, and monitor the status(color) of LED

Lab8 : Control device.

Lab9 : Manage device. Add object node LED and DHT11 and add methods and variable under each object

Lab_final : Use OpenCV to detect objects' color. Control Arduino robot arm to grasp objects to specified location according to their color. Use OPCUA server to record the history and current status. Client(app) can control stop/start of the process and monitor the variables.

(YouTube) demo video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUKcVJt3YTM