
Rule in Kusto Query Language Description
Inactive users in SharePoint Online Required
Only invited users should be automatically admitted Required
Block legacy authentication through Conditional Access Required
Secure Score for Identity: 5. Enable User Risk in Conditional Access policy Required
Enable Sign-in Risk in Conditional Access policy Required
Define and set Account Lockout policy on MFA Required
Disable Phone Call and SMS on MFA service settings Required
Enforce MFA on all accounts Required

Inactive users in SharePoint Online

let inactive_threshold_days = 90;
let current_time = now();

| where Activity == "Sign Out"
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(inactive_threshold_daysd)
| project UserDisplayName, TimeGenerated, SiteURL

Only invited users should be automatically admitted:

let invitedUsers = ...; // Invited users data source
| where isnotnull(invitationAcceptedTime) 
| project userPrincipalName, invitationAcceptedTime;

Block legacy authentication through Conditional Access:

let legacyAuthEvents = ...; // Legacy authentication events data source
| where riskLevel == "high"
| project userPrincipalName, appDisplayName, riskLevel;

Secure Score for Identity: 5. Enable User Risk in Conditional Access policy:

let userRiskEvents = ...; // User risk events data source
| where riskScore >= 5 
| project userPrincipalName, riskScore;

Enable Sign-in Risk in Conditional Access policy:

let signInRiskEvents = ...; // Sign-in risk events data source
| where riskScore >= 5 
| project userPrincipalName, riskScore;

Define and set Account Lockout policy on MFA:

let accountLockoutEvents = ...; // Account lockout events data source
| where isnotnull(lockoutTime) 
| project userPrincipalName, lockoutTime;

Disable Phone Call and SMS on MFA service settings:

let mfaServiceEvents = ...; // MFA service events data source
| where mfaMethod !in ("Phone Call", "SMS") 
| project userPrincipalName, mfaMethod;

Enforce MFA on all accounts:

let allUsers = ...; // All users data source
| where isnotnull(mfaActivationTime) 
| project userPrincipalName, mfaActivationTime;


// Rule 1: Only invited users should be automatically admitted
let invitedUsers = SecurityAlert
| where ProviderName == "AzureActiveDirectory" and Category == "AccessControl" 
   and AlertName == "UserInvitationAccepted" 
| project UserId, TimeGenerated;

// Rule 2: Block legacy authentication through Conditional Access
let legacyAuthEvents = SecurityAlert
| where ProviderName == "AzureActiveDirectory" and Category == "AccessControl" 
   and AlertName == "LegacyAuthDetected" 
| project UserId, AppDisplayName, TimeGenerated;

// Rule 3: Secure Score for Identity: 5. Enable User Risk in Conditional Access policy
let userRiskEvents = SecurityAlert
| where ProviderName == "AzureActiveDirectory" and Category == "IdentitySecurity" 
   and AlertName == "UserRiskSignIn" 
| project UserId, RiskScore, TimeGenerated;

// Rule 4: Enable Sign-in Risk in Conditional Access policy
let signInRiskEvents = SecurityAlert
| where ProviderName == "AzureActiveDirectory" and Category == "IdentitySecurity" 
   and AlertName == "SignInRiskDetected" 
| project UserId, RiskScore, TimeGenerated;

// Rule 5: Define and set Account Lockout policy on MFA
let accountLockoutEvents = SecurityAlert
| where ProviderName == "AzureActiveDirectory" and Category == "AccessControl" 
   and AlertName == "AccountLockedOut" 
| project UserId, TimeGenerated;

// Rule 6: Disable Phone Call and SMS on MFA service settings
let mfaServiceEvents = SecurityAlert
| where ProviderName == "AzureActiveDirectory" and Category == "AccessControl" 
   and AlertName == "MFAServiceSettingsChanged" 
| project UserId, MFAMethod, TimeGenerated;

// Rule 7: Enforce MFA on all accounts
let allUsers = SecurityAlert
| where ProviderName == "AzureActiveDirectory" and Category == "AccessControl" 
   and AlertName == "MFAEnforced" 
| project UserId, TimeGenerated;