Journal App README


Journal App is essentially a blog app, build from scratch. The intention is to make it so eventually, it can be used to publish, search, tag, archive, read, and share any entries. It utilizes a ruby on rails backend and a react frontend.



The Journal App MVP will include the following:

  • Have a RESTful JSON API.
    • Build a Ruby on Rails server, exposing RESTful JSON endpoints.
    • Build a database with at least 3 tables:
      • 1 user table
      • 2 other tables, of your choosing
      • There must be at least 1 association between your tables. (1:m or m:m)
    • Utilize Rails to define models for interacting with the database.
    • Implement Authentication using JWT.
    • Implement working generic controller actions for full-CRUD (index, show, create, update, delete) between the 2 non-user tables AND partial-CRUD (create, at least) for the user table.
  • Have a working, interactive React app, built using npx create-react-app.
    • Have at least 8 separate, rendered components in an organized and understandable React file structure.
    • Utilize functional and class React components appropriately.
    • Utilize state and props in your components efficiently.
    • Use only React for DOM Manipulation.
  • Consume data from your Ruby on Rails API, and render that data in your components.
  • Utilize React Router, for client-side routing.
  • Utilize Authentication, permitting the user to:
    • Register, login, and send authenticated requests.
    • Perform index or show actions, whether or not they are logged in for Posts.
    • Perform create, update, and delete actions when logged in for Posts.
    • Perform create action when logged in for Comments.
  • Use flexbox or Grid in your layout design.
  • Implement 2 media queries for responsive design on 3 screen sizes (including desktop).


  • Create a journal app with posting and commenting functionality
  • Make sure it's presentable and readable on multiple screen sizes


Library Description
React Frontend App
SCSS Styling
React Router Frontend Routing
Axios Connect frontend to backend
Ruby on Rails Backend server
JWT Authentication
Bcrypt Password security
PostgreSQL Database

Client (Front End)


Expand to view.

Desktop Post

  • Desktop Post

Desktop Posts

  • Desktop Posts

Tablet Posts

  • Tablet Posts

Mobile Posts

  • Mobile Posts

Mobile Login

  • Mobile Login

Mobile Sign Up

  • Mobile Sign Up

Mobile New Post

  • Mobile New Post

Mobile Edit Post

  • Mobile Edit Post


  • All content layout is the same across mobile and desktop aside from the nav bar and the posts view
  • Logged in users see different nav bar choices, they are described in the desktop views, but omitted in the tablet/mobile views for brevity, though of course in the final they will be included properly
  • Edit and delete comments will be Post-MVP

Component Tree

Expand to view.

Component Chart

Component Hierarchy

|__ assets/
      |__ fonts
      |__ graphics
      |__ images
      |__ mockups
|__ components/
      |__ shared/
            |__ Header.jsx
            |__ Nav.jsx
            |__ Main.jsx
            |__ Layout.jsx
      |__ Login.jsx
      |__ SignUp.jsx
      |__ NewPost.jsx
      |__ EditPost.jsx
      |__ Posts.jsx
      |__ Post.jsx
      |__ Comments.jsx
      |__ Comment.jsx
|__ services/

Component Breakdown

Component Type state props Description
App class y y App root
Header functional n n Holds the site name
Nav functional n y Nav top or side bar (depending on screen size)
Main functional n y Box for the main content to live in
Layout functional n y Holds the header, nav, and main components, as well as layout children.
Login functional n y Login as an existing user.
SignUp functional n y Create a new user.
NewPost functional n y Create a new post.
EditPost functional n y Lets you edit a given post.
Posts functional n y Shows a list of all posts.
Post class y n Shows a post's details, as well as its comments.
Comments functional n y Shows multiple Comment components and lets you add a comment.
Comment functional n n Shows an individual comment.

Component Estimates

Task Priority Estimated Time Time Invested Actual Time
Database models H 2 hrs 40m TBD
Controllers (CRUD) H 5 hrs 1h 35m TBD
Routing (backend) H 3 hrs 20m TBD
Seed data M 1.5 hrs 35m TBD
Authentication H 5 hrs 45m TBD
Connect rails/react H 4 hrs 1h 10m TBD
Component creation H 3 hrs 2h 20m TBD
State and methods H 3 hrs 2h 55m TBD
React router M 1.5 hrs 1h 30m TBD
Basic CSS L 1.5 hrs 1h TBD
Mobile layout M 1 hrs 1h 20m TBD
Tablet layout M 1 hrs 10m TBD
Desktop layout M 1 hrs 50m TBD
Code cleanup M 0.5 hrs 5m TBD
TOTAL 40 hrs _ hrs TBD

Server (Back End)

ERD Model

Expand to view.



  • Implement rich text editor
  • Dark/light theme toggle and preference (saved to user account and/or local storage)
  • Tagging and search system
  • Add image(s) to posts
  • Edit/delete comments
  • View only a given user's posts

Code Showcase

{this.props.currentUser && ===
 <div class="crud-buttons">
  <Link to={`/post/${}/edit`}>Edit</Link>
  <Link to='#' onClick={this.handleDelete}>Delete</Link>