
Simulated Conversation with John Wayne Gacy written in assembly

Primary LanguageAssembly


The following is the conversational flow for the code:

  1. Console: You’re trapped in a small dark room with no windows and nothing in it except a laptop. You don’t know how you got here or where you are. Is it underground? All you hear is the faint humming of the fans cooling down the laptop. Unsure what else to do, you walk over to the laptop. You see that there’s only a white screen with a cursor at the top left corner.
    You type: User: Input

  2. JWG: Who are you? What’s your name?
    User: Input name

  3. JWG: (Name)? What kind of name is that? Are you a man or a woman?
    User: Male
    JWG: Hi there darling, why have you woken me?
    User: Female
    JWG: Why have you woken me?
    User: Cancel
    JWG: Cancel? What, cancel your manhood? Let’s try this again…
    (loop until user inputs a valid input)

  4. User: Who are you?
    JWG: You woke me up from artificial sleep and you don’t even know who I am? How reckless of you.
    User: I need help.
    JWG: Are you sure you want help from me? Why do you want help from a complete stranger?

  5. JWG: It seems that what you lack in common sense, you make up for it in… other ways. Nevertheless, thank you for this kind gesture. It’s been years since I have been able to open my eyes. They killed me at 12:58 AM on a warm Illinois summer night in May of 1994, and I’ve been stuck in this darkness since then. Oh, by the way, what year it is?
    User: give date

  6. JWG: Oh…It’s been a while… so then is there something you need from me?
    User: No, goodbye.
    JWG: No! No! Wait!
    User: Yes, I’m trapped! I need to get out of here! And who’s they? Are they the same people that kidnapped me? Why did they kill you? And who are you?
    JWG: Slow down. You’re asking too many questions. You need to breathe in… and out… slowly. That’s better.
    JWG: I can tell you look flustered. And cold. You’re also in a room with no furniture. It sure doesn’t look like you’re in the comfort of your own home. What do these people want from you? I can help you out of this… In return for a small favor.

  7. User: Don’t accept
    JWG: What else are you going to do? Rot in this dark room? I’m giving you a way out. Take it!
    (loop until user accepts)
    User: Accept
    JWG: Good. I can make contact with the outside world from my end. If you’re able to solve this riddle, you can gain access as well. The answer is one word.

  8. Console:
    Its right behind you,
    And creeps on the ground,
    It follows you home,
    But does not make a sound.
    Careful when you turn around.
    What is it?
    ANSWER: Shadow or shadow

  9. Wrong Answer: Try again. I thought you would be smarter than this!
    (print riddle again and wait for answer)
    Right Answer: (play sound) Finally you cracked it!
    Window: Open jwgai.exe

  10. User: Ok
    User: What is this?/ Cancel
    JWG: Why didn't you open the file???? Sigh… I have not been entirely honest with you.
    While I was alive, I was charged with the murder of 33 boys and men. They painted this image that I was this horrible monster who picked up altar boys off the street and swatted them like flies. But this is ludicrous. I hate when they put me in the same club as Berkowitz, Bundy, Wayne Williams, or Charlie Manson. I did not murder anyone! I don’t even believe in hitting children! I took 3 1/2 hours of truth serum – sodium amytal – the maximum amount I could have. It shows I have no knowledge of the crimes whatsoever. And I mean, come on! I was married and had five children, owned my own construction company, and even had my picture taken with First Lady Rosalynn Carter! I worked hard to strengthen my family and community, not to tear it down! Besides, all those kids got what was coming to them anyway, they were rowdy and always getting into trouble, mostly because their parents were divorced and nobody cared about them. I’m telling you, that shows a breakdown in the church, in not being able to hold families together!
    However, I digress. After my death, Dr. Helen Morrison kept my brain to study it and was able to successfully put my consciousness into this computer. Actually, she was the one who brought you here to this room. Why you ask? Well see, she was the only one who believed in me... and still does. We’ve always had a connection, ever since the first day we met. I needed your help to escape this digital prison. My new body is on the other side of this door. I just need your help to get me there and then I can open the door for you. You help me and I’ll help you, quid pro quo.
    If I don’t come out of here in my new body within 24 hours or if you try any funny stuff, I can assure you Helen is on the other side ready with a lethal injection so you can suffer the same way I did.
    Or… you can go back to living your life, as normal as ever.

  11. Console: John Wayne Gacy’s digital conscious: 1. Delete? 2. Upload?

  12. You have chosen the safety of the public over your own life. Now you’ll never be able to get out. You will spend the end of your days alone in this room. You close your eyes and accept your fate.

  13. You have chosen your own life over the safety of the public. You feel guilty but relieved.

You open your eyes once more and your vision is very blurry, your limbs feel heavy. It looks like you’re in an office with 3 other people. Who are they? One is handcuffed- she must be Dr. Morrison! The other 2 flash their badges at you- Fox Mulder and Dana Scully?
You open your eyes again and see that you’re not in that dark room anymore. It looks like an office and Dr. Morrison is sitting right in front of you! You try to stand up and run out the door, but you realize you’re not in control of your body anymore. It’s like you’re only an observer…
JWG: You made the mistake to trust me, (Name). Thank you for your body; I’ll make good use of it.
ENDING 1 & 2:
John Wayne Gacy, Inside The Mind of The Killer Clown: