
a simple chess library

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This is a library for chess positions. It is a work in progress.


Note: the below is partial documentation of the chessview API. Like the project itself, it is a work in progress. I hope to fully document the API eventually.



returns the Position object represented by the FEN-encoded fenSource


returns the FEN-encoded string representing the given Position object


a string encoding of the standard starting position.


the Position object obtained by calling FEN.parse(FEN.standard).



returns an array of Game objects.

PGNs can contain a single game, or a collection of many games. This method always returns an array of the one or more Game objects represented by that PGN.


Algebraic.parse(moveNotation, position=FEN.standardPosition)

returns an object describing the move in relative to the given position with the piece and "move" (coordinates) described by the algebraic notation-encoded moveNotation.


This class represents a given position of chess. It doesn't necessarily represent a legal position, although it can only beget positions which follow from legal moves. Each position is immutable.

new Position(options)


  • ranks=8
  • files=8
  • activeColor=WHITE
  • castling=null
  • enPassantTarget=null
  • halfmoveClock=null
  • fullmoveCounter=0
  • board=new Board(ranks, files)

This constructor is generally not used directly. Instead, you'd usually come about a new Position object by calling FEN.parse() or position.move().


Return a new Position that is exactly the same as the current position, except for the properties of overrides. This method is not generally used directly. Instead, you'd normally use position.move()


returns a new Position object representing the position after the give moveNotation, which is a string of algrbraic notation.

throws a MobilityError if the move is illegal because a piece would be blocked, because the target square is occupied by a friendly piece, or because there is no suitable piece on the board able to move to that square by definition.

throws a CheckError if the move is illegal because it would leave the King in check.

position.movePiece(piece, target)

like position.move(), but lower level, and handier for UI programming. Instead of taking the move in algebraic notation, it takes the piece and the coordinates of the target square.

position.tryMovePiece(piece, target)

like position.movePiece(), except it doesn't throw, and instead returns the position itself upon error. This makes it handy for UI programming (pieces snap back home on an illegal move), but worthless for analysis, where the question of move legality is important, since that information will be silenced.


returns an iterator of every legal move in the given position.


returns an iterator of every check in the given position. This can also be used speculatively, to wonder what checks would exist if the king were on a given square.


returns an iterator of all the pieces matching the selector, where the selector describes the color and/or brand of the pieces in question.


returns the first piece matching the selector.


returns an array of all the pieces matching the selector.


A line is an accumalator of moves and corresponding immutable positions.

new Line(position=FEN.standardPosition)

instantiates a new Line object.


accumulate a new { position, move, note } literal, where position is the Position object obtained by calling position.move(move) on the line's current position, and note is an optional annotation.


add a note to, or replace the existing note of, the current { position, move } literal.


the length of the line, measured by ply.


the length of the line, measured by moves.


A Game object is a Line, accompanied by some optional tags.

new Game(position=FEN.standardPosition, tags)

instantiates a new Game object.


add a tag to the game's collection of tags.

feature roadmap

Checked items are implemented

  • FEN
  • PGN
  • UCI
  • queryable position model with a simple API
  • detect legal moves, checks, checkmates
  • compositional approach to piece mobility
  • support for chess variants:
    • Chess960 (Fischerandom)
    • fairy pieces
    • non-standard board sizes (e.g. 8x10 Capablanca chess)
  • good test coverage
