weather app

This is my new Weather App with offline capabilities and notification.


  • search weather by city
  • view detail weather information
  • 3 days weather forecast
  • add to favourite for offline support
  • update data to offline when network connection is available
  • remove from favourite list
  • firebase notification
  • animation list

Screen record & UI

Detail Menu
Search Favourite

APK File

Background notificatin Twice Issue

    "to": "/topics/WLOWeatherApp",
    "collapse_key": "type_a",
    "notification": {
        "title": "This is notification title",
        "body": "This is notification message body"
    "data": {
        "status": "status"
    "apns": {

1. "notification" data auto push notification on mobile notificaiton by Firebase Background Messaging option
2. "notification" data show by third-party notifiation plugin It'll make Twice notification on Mobile

Remember: Need To Fix This

Solution 1:
Remove "notification" key and data to disable auto notification show alert by firebase background messaging when you push firebase notification. :)>

Solution 2:
Remove third-party plugin to show notification alert :)>

The above 2 solutions are not good options.

Please suggest how to fix this Issue!