
Java based samples of various usages of Apache Ignite in-memory distributed data fabric

Primary LanguageJava


Java based samples of various usages of Apache Ignite in-memory distributed data fabric

What is Apache Ignite?

Ignite is a memory-centric data platform

that is strongly consistent
and highly available
with powerful SQL,
key-value and processing APIs

for more info follow Apache Ignite official web site https://ignite.apache.org/


Command Line Samples

  1. Ignite distributed cache
  2. Ignite compute
  3. Ignite data structures
  4. Ignite in-memory file system
  5. Ignite messaging
  6. Ignite distributed services

Can be executed through command line

Web based session distribution

This demonstrates http servlet session distribution through multiple server instances. Session values can be accessed from any sever. In this example session is partitioned through out nodes. Ignite allows to session replication also. Please check ignite documentation for more details.

Spring MVC + Spring security session distribution

This demonstrates login session distribution through multiple server instances in Spring MVC + Spring security application. Login session can be accessed from any server node.


> Java version: JDK 8
> Build tool: maven 3+
> Appication/servlet container: Apache Tomcat (for Web based session distribution & Spring MVC + Spring security session distribution)