
micronaut + postgres + jooq + flyway base template

Primary LanguageJava

Micronaut + Postgres (on docker) + Jooq + Flyway + Lombok template

Postgres, Jooq and Flyway described and shown in YouTube tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF_Bg6CgMts&t=16s

JWT Authentication described here on YouTube tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acAFcDWuxhI&t=8s

Getting started

In order to build the project run: ./gradlew build

In order to remove the docker container and its database, run docker rm -f -v <container_name>

This project is a base template for getting started with micronaut + postgres + jooq + flyway + lombok.

It contains a very simple migration file (resources/db/postgres/V1__create_user_table.sql) to create a base users table and an entry with a user. Modify this based on your requirements.


In order to register you can make a POST API request to {{api_url}}/register with body of

    "username": "username",
    "email": "email@test.com",
    "password": "password"

where the {{api_url}} can be set to localhost:8081. The port can be configured in application.yml configuration file.

This functionality is configured in UnsecuredAccountController

In order to sign in, make a POST request to {{api_url}}/login with body of:

    "username": "username",
    "password": "password"

This functionality comes directly from Micronaut, it can be configured in application.yml

Test controllers

  • There's a very basic HelloWorldController which simply demonstrates micronaut controller
  • There's also a @Secured controller which is the AccountController
  • There's also unsecured controller which is the UnsecuredAccountController to handle things like register

Micronaut 2.4.1 Documentation

Feature http-client documentation