
A simple, easy to use, decorated, scoped, object-oriented web server, with async linear middlewares and no more callbacks in middlewares.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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A simple, easy to use, decorated, scoped, object-oriented web server, with async linear middlewares and no more callbacks in middlewares.

It is a web framework for typescript and nodejs.

It is also an example:

  1. To show that callbacks are not needed with promise/async/await.
  2. To use middlewares in a linear way instead of stacked way which is insecure.

    For the stacked middleware model will carry response back to the top most so called middleware pushed, where every middleware can access to the body returned.

  3. To pass some vairiables through middlewares and to the final handler.


Aex is built and powerized by the following parts.

  1. Core functions
  2. Decorators
  3. Usage with no decorator
  4. Websocket support
  5. Middlewares
  6. Scope
  7. Express Middleware Integration
  8. Get the web server


  1. Keep in mind to separate web logic from business logic, and only develope for web logic.
  2. Focus soly on web flow.
  3. Simplify the way to make good web projects.
  4. Consider web interactions as phrased straight lines, which we call it Web Straight Line.
  5. No MVC, soly focusing on architecture which is the web logic.

Quick Start

Add @aex/core to your project

npm install @aex/core # or npm i @aex/core

or if you use yarn

yarn add @aex/core

Use @http to enable web processing ability

import { Aex, http } from "@aex/core";

class HelloAex {
  private message = "aex";
  @http("*", "*")
  public all(_req: any, res: any, _scope: any) {
    res.end("Hello " + this.message + "!");

Create aex instance

// create Aex instance
const aex = new Aex();

Add your web handler to aex with parameters

// push your controller into aex

Prepare aex enviroment


Start aex web server

// or
await aex.start(8080);


npm i @aex/core


yarn add @aex/core

Core functions


prepare is used here to init middlewares and controllers if controllers are pushed into the aex instance. It takes no parameter and return the aex instance. so you can invoke the start function of aex.

await aex.prepare().start();
// or
  .then(() => {
    // further processing


start function is used to bootstrap the server with cerntain port. It takes three parameters:

  1. port the port taken by the web server, default to 3000
  2. ip the ip address where the port bind to, default to localhost
  3. prepare prepare middlewares or not, used when middlewares are not previously prepared


push a controller class to aex, it takes on parameter and other arguments:

  1. aClass: a class prototype.
  2. args: takes the rest arguments for the class constructor
aex.push(HelloAex, parameter1, parameter2, ..., parameterN);
// will be invoked as `new HelloAlex(parameter1, parameter2, ..., parameterN)`


add middlewares to aex, see detailed explanation in middlewares


Aex is simplified by decorators, so you should be familiar with decorators to full utilize aex.

Decorators will be enriched over time. Currently aex provides 6 most important decorators. They are @inject, @http, @body, @query, @filter, @error.

  1. @inject is the generate purpose decorator for client users to customize their handling. Users can inject any middleware with @inject;

  2. @http defines your http handler with a member function, it is the most important and fundamental decorator for aex as a http web server.

  3. @body defines your way to parse your body.

  4. @query extract http query into req.query and scope.query;

  5. @filter fiters and validates data from http requests, takes body, params and query types only.

  6. @error defines scoped errors


Aex provides the @http decorator to ease the way http requests being handled by classes. It is very simple and intuitive.

Define a class with it's methods decorated by @http

The member methods are of IAsyncMiddleware type as well.

@http takes two parameter:

  1. http method name(s)
  2. url(s);

You can just pass url(s) if you use http GET method only.

import { http } from "@aex/core";

class User {
  @http("get", ["/profile", "/home"])
  profile(req, res, scope) {}

  @http(["get", "post"], "/user/login")
  login(req, res, scope) {}

  @http("post", "/user/logout")
  logout(req, res, scope) {}

  info(req, res, scope) {}

  @http(["/user/followers", "/user/subscribes"])
  followers(req, res, scope) {}

Get router from One

import { One } from "@aex/core";
const router = One.instance();

New the class

You need to create an instance of your class for request being processed.

const user = new User();
// do some initialization

Start Aex server

import { Aex } from "@aex/core";
const aex = new Aex();


Decorator @body provides a simple way to process data with body parser.

@body accept body parser package's function and its options, and they are optional.

@body("urlencoded", { extended: false })

and should succeed to @http decorator.

import { http } from "@aex/core";

class User {
  @http("post", "/user/login")
  @body("urlencoded", { extended: false })
  login(req, res, scope) {}

  @http("post", "/user/logout")
  login(req, res, scope) {}

You may look up npm package body-parser for detailed usage.


Decorator @query will parse query for you. After @query you will have req.query to use.

  @http("get", "/profile/:id")
  public async id(req: any, res: any, _scope: any) {
    // get /profile/111?page=20
    // 20


Decorator @filter will filter body, params and query data for you.

Reference node-form-validator for detailed usage.

class User {
  private name = "Aex";
  @http("post", "/user/login")
    body: {
      username: {
        type: "string",
        required: true,
        minLength: 4,
        maxLength: 20
      password: {
        type: "string",
        required: true,
        minLength: 4,
        maxLength: 64
    fallbacks: {
      body: async(error, req, res, scope) {
        res.end("Body parser failed!");
  public async login(req: any, res: any, _scope: any) {
    // req.body.username
    // req.body.password

  @http("get", "/profile/:id")
    query: {
      page: {
        type: "numeric",
        required: true
    params: {
      id: {
        type: "numeric",
        required: true
    fallbacks: {
      params: async function (this: any, _error: any, _req: any, res: any) {
        this.name = "Alice";
        res.end("Params failed!");
  public async id(req: any, res: any, _scope: any) {
    // req.params.id
    // req.query.page


Decorator @error will generate errors for you.

Reference errorable for detailed usage.

@error take two parameters exactly what function Generator.generate takes.

class User {
  @http("post", "/error")
    I: {
      Love: {
        You: {
          code: 1,
          messages: {
            "en-US": "I Love U!",
            "zh-CN": "我爱你!",
    Me: {
      alias: "I",
  public road(_req: any, res: any, scope: any) {
    const { ILoveYou } = scope.error;
    // throw new ILoveYou('en-US');
    // throw new ILoveYou('zh-CN');
    res.end("User Error!");


Inject any middleware when necessary. But you should be careful with middlewares' order.

@inject decrator takes two parameters:

  1. injector: the main injected middleware for data further processing or policy checking
  2. fallback: optional fallback when the injector fails and returned false
class User {
  private name = "Aex";
  @http("post", "/user/login")
  @inject(async (req, res, scope) => {
      req.session = {
        user: {
          name: "ok"
  @inject(async function(this:User, req, res, scope) {
      this.name = "Peter";
      req.session = {
        user: {
          name: "ok"
  @inject(async function(this:User, req, res, scope) => {
      this.name = "Peter";
      if (...) {
        return false
  }, async function fallback(this:User, req, res, scope){
    // some fallback processing
  public async login(req: any, res: any, scope: any) {
    // req.session.user.name
    // ok


1. Create an Aex instance

const aex = new Aex();

2. Create a Router

const router = new Router();

2. Setup the option for handler

router.get("/", async (req, res, scope) => {
  // request processing time started
  // processing time passed
  res.end("Hello Aex!");

3. Use router as an middleware


4. Start the server

const port = 3000;
const host = "localhost";
const server = await aex.start(port, host);
// server === aex.server

Websocket support

Simple example

  1. Create a WebSocketServer instance
const aex = new Aex();
const server = await aex.start();
const ws = new WebSocketServer(server);
  1. Get handler for one websocket connection
ws.on(WebSocketServer.ENTER, (handler) => {
  // process/here
  1. Listen on user-customized events
ws.on(WebSocketServer.ENTER, (handler) => {
  handler.on("event-name", (data) => {
    // data.message = "Hello world!"
  1. Send message to browser / client
ws.on(WebSocketServer.ENTER, (handler) => {
  handler.send("event-name", { key: "value" });
  1. New browser/client WebSocket object
const wsc: WebSocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:3000/path");
wsc.on("open", function open() {
  1. Listen on user-customized events
ws.on("new-message", () => {
  // process/here
  1. Sending ws message in browser/client
const wsc: WebSocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:3000/path");
wsc.on("open", function open() {
      event: "event-name",
      data: {
        message: "Hello world!",
  1. Use websocket middlewares
ws.use(async (req, ws, scope) => {
  // return false


Global middlewares

Global middlewares are effective all over the http request process.

They can be added by aex.use function.

aex.use(async (req, res, scope) => {
  // process 1
  // return false

aex.use(async (req, res, scope) => {
  // process 2
  // return false

// ...

aex.use(async (req, res, scope) => {
  // process N
  // return false

Return false in middlewares will cancel the whole http request processing
It normally happens after a res.end

Handler specific middlewares

Handler specific middlewares are effective only to the specific handler.

They can be optionally added to the handler option via the optional attribute middlewares.

the middlewares attribute is an array of async functions of IAsyncMiddleware.

so we can simply define handler specific middlewares as follows:

  async (req, res, scope) => {
    res.end("Hello world!");
    async (req, res, scope) => {
      // process 1
      // return false
    async (req, res, scope) => {
      // process 2
      // return false
    // ...,
    async (req, res, scope) => {
      // process N
      // return false

Websocket middlewares

Websocket middlewares are of the same to the above middlewares except that the parameters are of different.

type IWebSocketAsyncMiddleware = (
  req: Request,
  socket: WebSocket,
  scope?: Scope
) => Promise<boolean | undefined | null | void>;

The Websocket Middlewares are defined as IWebSocketAsyncMiddleware, they pass three parameters:

  1. the http request
  2. the websocket object
  3. the scope object

THe middlewares can stop websocket from further execution by return false

Accessable members


The node system http.Server.

Accessable through aex.server.

const aex = new Aex();
const server = await aex.start();
expect(server === aex.server).toBeTruthy();


Aex provides scoped data for global and local usage.

A scope object is passed by middlewares and handlers right after req, res as the third parameter.

It is defined in IAsyncMiddleware as the following:

async (req, res, scope) => {
  // process N
  // return false

the scope variable has 8 native attributes: time, outer, inner, query, params, body, error, debug

The time attribute contains the started time and passed time of requests. The outer attribute is to store general or global data. The inner attribute is to store specific or local data. The query attribute is to store http query. The body attribute is to store http body. The params attribute is to store http params. The error attribute is to store scoped errors. The debug attribute is to provide handlers the debugging ability.


Get the requesting time

// 2019-12-12T09:01:49.543Z

Get the passed time

// 2019-12-12T09:01:49.543Z

outer and inner

The outer and innervariables are objects used to store data for different purposes.

You can simply assign them a new attribute with data;

scope.inner.a = 100;
scope.outer.a = 120;


debug is provided for debugging purposes.

It is a simple import of the package debug.

Its usage is of the same to the package debug, go debug for detailed info.

Here is a simple example.

async (req, res, scope) => {
  const { debug } = scope;
  const logger = debug("aex:scope");
  logger("this is a debugging info");

all these build-in attribute are readonly

// scope.outer = {};  // Wrong operation!
// scope.inner = {};   // Wrong operation!
// scope.time = {};    // Wrong operation!
// scope.query = {};    // Wrong operation!
// scope.params = {};    // Wrong operation!
// scope.body = {};    // Wrong operation!
// scope.error = {};    // Wrong operation!
// scope.debug = {};    // Wrong operation!
// scope.time.started = {};  // Wrong operation!
// scope.time.passed = {};   // Wrong operation!

Use middlewares from expressjs

Aex provide a way for express middlewares to be translated into Aex middlewares.

You need just a simple call to toAsyncMiddleware to generate Aex's async middleware.

const oldMiddleware = (_req: any, _res: any, next: any) => {
  // ...

const pOld = toAsyncMiddleware(oldMiddleware);

You should be cautious to use express middlewares. Full testing is appreciated.


npm install
npm test

No semver

Semver has been ruined node.js npm for a long time, aex will not follow it. Aex will warn every user to keep aex version fixed and take care whenever update to anew version. Aex follows a general versioning called Effective Versioning.

No callbacks in middleware

aex is anti-koa which is wrong and misleading just like semver.

All lives matter

aex is an anti BLM project and a protector of law and order.
