
small go programt that reads Zookeper node with key=value lines and replace keys in input file to new output file. Primarily for Docker container with global configuration

Primary LanguageGo

BCH compliance


small go program that reads Zookeper node with key=value lines and replace key in input file to new output file both with ZK data and os environment variables

Used primarily inside Docker containers to process config files

run: zk_config -zk <zookeeper host:port> -regex <brackets> -path <zk node path> -in <input file> -o <output file>

zk node should be in form


i.e. key=value pairs with newline as delimiter of lines also OS environment variables added to list of key=value pairs

input file may have any templates like value: {{var1}}

so it will be replaced in output file value: val1

regexp for double brackets {{value}}: -regexp "\{{(.*?)\}}"

for single {value}: -regexp "\{(.*?)\}"