
MobiSocial Exercises: Android Apps

Primary LanguageJava

Exercise 1 Build a prototype app according to design specification

Exercise 2 A novel sensing application, that is a Metal detector

Exercise 3 An application that periodically reads and stores weather information on the background and shows the weather information in a notification Use the OpenWeather API: https://openweathermap.org/api

Exercise 4 An application that displays location-based, user-generated, reminder notifications. -- User can store a reminder in the current location -- Stored the message and coordinates in an database -- Reminders are received whenever he is in that location -- Reads the database for any messages that are within x meters of the current location

Exercise 5 Twitter application that fetches data from a Social Networking Site “Twitter” for future use

Exercise 6 An application that requires you to smile in order to log in to the app -- Uses the Google Mobile Vision API to recognise facial gestures -- Starts a new activity when the user smiles