
docker-based LAMP stack (apache+mysql+php+phpmyadmin) For Web developers

Primary LanguageDockerfile


docker-based LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) with phpmyadmin

Lamp with docker


Hosting web content in a linux environment.

What is a LAMP stack?

A LAMP (Linux, Apache,MySQL,PHP) stack is free and open-source web stack used for hosting web content in a linux environment.

What is Docker?

Docker is a container platform for applications. When ups can download pre-configured apps without the hassle of the installation and configuration process.

How to use it ?

First install Docker in Your Machine From Here

then Open Your terminal and type

docker run -it -v $PATH:/var/www/html -p 80:80 benaddayoussef/lampdocker:v2

You replace $PATH with your working directory


after that you just type

sh run.sh


to run script that start mysql and apache service

Now just type localhost in your browser


the webserver works !

let's try php myadmin by typing localhost/phymyadmin


The username is root and the password is also root


TADA!! phpmyadmin works without any problem

and finally to connect to mysql using your terminal your just type

mysql -u root -p


By : Youssef Benadda 1337