
This is my first professional course on Python. This repository contains the some exercises files and learning from the course on different sections like - Basic Python, Web Scrapping, Machine Learning etc.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Welcome to my "Professional Python Programming" Repository

Repository Description:

I have completed a course on Python namely - Professional Python Programming. This is the first Python course completed by me where I get introduced about Python and Data Science domain. This repository contains the exercises solutions of several tasks and homeworks of this course.

In this section, I have learned most of the basic things of Python in this course like - list, map, lambda, set etc. Along with progression of this course, there was regular homework assignment. You can find the relevant code in this folder.

I have analyzed the website - "http://quotes.toscrape.com/" using Python's BeautifulSoup library. There are two different versions scrapping code - one is single page web scrapping and another is multiple page web scrapping. Both of this version of code can be found in this folder.

In this section, I have analyzed a Salary dataset. First of all, I have completed data preprocessing step. Then I played with some machine learning algorithm with it like - Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, Support Vector Machine etc. Relevant code can be found in the folder.

The Journey Begins from here.