
Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT



This sample project uses Vue.js, Vue Material and PWA(Progressive Web Apps). This sample uses the Connpass Web API.


Perform the following steps:

  1. Download and install Node.js.
  2. Download and install Visual Studio Code(VS Code).
  3. Install vetur extension for VS Code.
  4. Download and install npm packages.
    npm install

Starting Server

Perform the following steps:

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Start the development server.
    npm run serve
  3. Access the following URL in Chrome.

By configuration, you cann't run Service Worker in the development environment. So, I recommend using "Service Worker for Chrome" to run Service Worker.

  1. Install "Service Worker for Chrome" in Chrome.

  2. Start the "Service Worker for Chrome".

  3. Select dist directory in "choose folder" of "Service Worker for Chrome".

  4. Access the "Web Server URL".

Creating a Production Build

Perform the following command:

npm run build


There are the following views in this sample.

View Name File Name Description
Home View Home.vue Search for events via the Connpass Web API.
About View About.vue About this sample.


There are the following components in this sample.

Component Name File Name Description
Header Header.vue Define the header of this web app.
Card Card.vue Define a card to display content


This sample uses the following library.

Library Name Version Description
Vue.js 2.6.10 Javascript Framework
Vue Router 3.0.3 Routing library for Vue.js
Vue Material 1.0.0-beta-10.2 Material Design for Vue.js


The License of this sample is MIT License.