
A gradle project setup that separates api and implementation classes based on source sets

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


One approach to enforce clear interfaces between different modules, is to separate the API from the implementation and allow other modules to only depend on API artifacts. For example: If moudleB depends on moudleA, then moduleB is only allowed to reference classes in the API part of moduleA.

This repository demonstrates a gradle multiproject build configuration that achieves this separation using source sets and dependency configurations.

Per module there are two source sets defined:

  • main: This source set contains the implementation classes (it points to src/impl/java)
  • api: This source set contains the api classes that should be exposed
sourceSets {
    main {
        java {
            srcDirs = ['src/impl/java']

        resources {
            srcDir = ['src/impl/resources']


For each source there is a corresponding configuration that has a JAR artifact only containing the compiled sources from the source set. This means that for each module a module-api.jar contianing only the API classes and a module.jar containing only the implementation classes is created.

task apiJar(type: Jar) {
    baseName "${project.name}-api"
    from sourceSets.api.output

artifacts {
    apiCompile apiJar

By default the implementation/main configuration of a module always has a dependency to it's api configuration.

dependencies {
    compile project(path: ":${project.name}", configuration: "apiCompile")

A dependency from moduleA to moduleBs API can then be defined as follows:

dependencies {
    compile project(path: ":moduleA", configuration: "apiCompile")