GastonSyslogFW is a syslog message forwarder. The goal of this project is to be able on busybox system like Alpine Linux to send syslog message on different destination, for exemple hubot.
It is also able to filter message, in order not to send every syslog message on the destinations
- python3
# gastonSyslogFW [--debug]
The process is configured via a JSON configuration file named gastonSyslogFW.conf located in the current directory, in /etc or /usr/local/etc. Here is an exemple:
cat gastonSyslogFW.conf
"listen": "",
"port": 514,
"destination": [
"ignore": [
".* crond\\[.*",
".* sshd\\[.*",
".* sudo: .*"
server = socketserver.UDPServer(('',514), gastonSyslogFW.SyslogUDPHandler)
server.ignoreList=['.* sshd\[.*']
except (IOError, SystemExit):
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print ("Crtl+C Pressed. Shutting down.")
Project in development