
hazelcast python client

Primary LanguagePython

this is a basic implementation of hazelcast protocol in python

you need to clone hazelcast/clientprotocol and compile for the server part.

now run server,

  • java -server -Xms128M -Xmx128M -cp "hazelcast-2.2.SNAPSHOT.jar:hazelcast-client-2.2.SNAPSHOT.jar" com.hazelcast.examples.StartServer

now for the python client,

  • git clone git@github.com:ybrs/hazelcast-python.git
  • cd hazelcast-python
  • python setup.py install

here is a quick example

from hazelcast.client import hazelcast
hc = hazelcast()
hc.mput('mymap', 'foo', 'bar')
print hc.mget('mymap', 'foo')