
Review the state of art works of handwritten signature verification works


Review the state of art works of handwritten signature verification works.

Depending on the acquisition method, signature verification systems are divided into: online (dynamic) and offline (static) with Writer Dependent or not categories.

  • In online case, an acquisition device, such as a digitizing table, is used to acquire the user’s signature. The data is collected as a sequence over time, containing the position of the pen, and in some cases including additional information such as the pen inclination\velocity\angle\curvature\full acceleration\coordinates\pressure 倾角\速度\角度\曲率\全加速度\坐标\压力
  • In offline signature verification, the signature is acquired after the writing process is completed. In this case, the signature is represented as a digital image or picture
  • Also, the can be devided into writer independent and writer dependent classification cases
  • SVM (Support Vector Machines) model is one of the most effective classifier for signature verification
  • Texture features (especially Local Binary Patterns LBP) is the best hand-crafted feature extractors in signature verification

Open source works

In many cases, the open source projects were deployed by matlab or python.

Offline project- Luizgh

Hafemann, L. G., Sabourin, R., & Oliveira, L. S. (2017, November).
[1] Offline handwritten signature verification—literature review
    URL: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1507.07909.pdf
[2] Learning Features for Offline Handwritten Signature Verification using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
    URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2017.05.012 (preprint)
[3] Fixed-sized representation learning from Offline Handwritten Signatures of different sizes 
    URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10032-018-0301-6 (preprint)
  • Luizgh Offline Expert!
  • Project site: https://www.etsmtl.ca/Unites-de-recherche/LIVIA/Recherche-et-innovation/Projets/Signature-Verification
  • DCNN Deep convolutional neural network
  • SigNet adopted as the feature approach
    • wget "https://storage.googleapis.com/luizgh-datasets/models/signet_models.zip"
      • 3 signet models: Refere to paper [2]
        • signet.pkl; signetf_lambda0.95.pkl; and signetf_lambda0.999.pkl
      • Input scaned signatures need to be preprocess_signature() before the CNN. The aim is to make sure the input image/signature under the same resolution by wrap/crop/resize functions
    • wget "https://storage.googleapis.com/luizgh-datasets/models/signet_spp_models.zip"
      • 4 signet models: Refere to paper [3]
        • signet_spp_300dpi.pkl; signet_spp_300dpi_f.pkl and 600_dpi
        • (with or without f ) Training the model with or without forgeries
        • 300 or 600 is the scaned resolution of input image
        • 300dpi: input_size: (428, 612) and image_size: (476, 680)
        • 600dpi: input_size: (856, 1224) and image_size: (952, 1360)
      • Improve the preprocess_signature() by the introduced SPP methodology.
        • SPP the final layer in CNN, make sure CNN can handle any scale/size input image and generate the same sized feature vectors
  • Be aware:
    • Refer interactive_example.ipynb for SPP method
    • the input signature image picture is 1 color channel file gray color rather than RGB.
    • The time consumption during compile is high due to the limitation of Theano of DNN platform
  • *****questions need to be confirmed *****
    • Check the Euclidean Distance threshold in the paper (interactive_example.ipynb)
      • For actual classification, the simplest approach is computing the distance (in feature space) between a query signature and a reference. This is easy to implement (see the jupyter notebook example), but not very powerful.
      • Most commonly, people train Writer-dependent classifiers (one binary classifier for each user).

Offline projects

Online projects

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